Can't establish secure connection

By TenuousGrip, in The FFG Website

It's fine on any PC I use, but my phone (Samsung Galaxy S2) just refuses to load the FFG website.

I have been playing this game since October. I have tried to get on FFG website dozens of times from many different PC's, my own, friends, and at work. I have never been able to get on the site. I assumed the site was taken down.

Same here, trying to enter from my iMac doesnt work, but my PC and iPhone works.

I remember that previously I COULD enter the site but occasionally get the "secure connection" drabble.

But not its every time.

The community part works though.

I have the same problem from my cellphone but i used to be alble to access the site:-(

The whole site seemed to be offline for an hour or so today.