Hello all. Now that I have a physical copy of Wrath of the Gods in my hands, I'm ready to dig in and discuss.
What's your favorite of the five scenarios and why? Which is your least favorite and why?
I'd have to say my favorite of the five is Ragnarok. I've always loved Norse mythology. The mechanic called "Wyrd" is really interesting and pretty darn cool. I love how it gives the players the ability to "go out in a blaze of glory" befitting a Norse Hero. Of the five, this scenario seems to be the most fleshed out and least restricting, despite the preordained and destined feel of it.
I really wanted to love Revelation, The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and That Is Not Dead but they all felt a little weak in their own way.
Revelation seemed a little too "hopeless" since the PC's probably would spend most the game hiding or running from the bad guys. I know it's an apocalypse, but the scenario seems so tight that the PC's have (pardon the pun), no chance in Hell.
The Return of Quetzalcouatl seemed really cool on the surface and might be a lot of fun to play in, but as far as Apocalypses go, it didn't feel very apocalyptic to me. Which sucks. If I run this scenario for my group, I may change it up a bit. Add in another Mayan God. Maybe Tezcatlipoca. Have him be what is manipulating or directing Anders Bergstrom. Not really sure how I'll alter it. But that's one idea.
That Is Not Dead also seems pretty cool. I love Call of Cthulhu and H.P. Lovecraft in general. This scenario might benefit from a dose of more apocalyptic stuff. Sure, Cthulhu is tearing up everything before departing, but the post-apocalypse section seems... less than inspired. Maybe tossing some other mythos baddies into the mix might shake things up more. Have the Star-Spawn and Deep Ones start to set up fiefdoms and ruling over the remaining surviving humans. I could see some other mythos faction rising up and warring with the Deep Ones and Star-Spawn, with the unfortunate humans caught in the middle.
Anyway, my least favorite is Gaia's Revenge. Mainly because I can't think of interesting stories to tell about nature trying to wipe humanity off the face of the earth.
So there it is. Let's discuss!