PC subplots

By Sunkawakan, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Hi all!

So after a substantial hiatus (and creating a new FF account) I've finally got back into Dark Heresy with a new group. So far I'm happy to say everything's going pretty well, bar a couple minor hiccups, and the players are enjoying themselves. We're a couple chapters into my story, and if everything continues the way it is I hope to keep broadening and deepening the the campaign for as long as is feasible (and as long as it fits into the meta plot I have going).

That said, I thought I would develop a subplot for each PC, to get them even more invested in their character and the story. I've got ideas for 3/4 PC's, which if all goes as planned I hope to introduce at various points during the main campaign. However, I'm struggling to think of a subplot for the 4th character, who is a female feral world guardsman.

I thinks its mainly because the campaign has and will take place mostly on a Hive World, and I can't seem to marry a good character plot for someone of her origin to where she finds herself now. That, and its hard to strike a balance between a personalized side quest without taking too much time away from the main story. So I was wondering if any of you wise ladies and gentleman had any ideas that could help me out in creating an enjoyable diversion for that character?

For the sake of reference, she is a honor seeking tribal warrior like character, with a hatred of cowardice and she fears sorcery and psychic powers (which has lead to some pretty funny exchanges between her and the groups psyker!)

As for the overall meta-plot, I've decided to take a leaf out the radicals handbook where the PC's find themselves caught up in a struggle/crossfire with a renegade Phaenonite Inquisitor- although its still early days and truth behind the situation is far from being revealed.

Thanks again everyone, I look forward to your ideas and feedback!

Edited by Sunkawakan

Speaking from my own experience, PC subplots can be the most fun when it's the players themselves that get them rolling. Look for actions the players did. Little moments they.... not so much jumped off the rails, but had the train take a detour, or did something they weren't quite expected to do. Did your acolytes rescue or save someone you didn't expect them to? Maybe they can meet up with the PC's again, for such a subplot. One of your PC's meeting up with a particular NPC rather often? Maybe the two can hit it off and become pals, and you can use that friendship as the basis for a subplot. Just as two examples off the top of my head.

Maybe you can seed your campaign with extra little points that could spark a sub plot if the PC manages to stumble onto them. Or just roll with what your PC's do and make sub plots out of the little things they do.

Thanks ColArana, that does help :) . I did use that mindset when when developing the subplot for the groups arbites character, and to a lesser extent the groups psyker, and I have to agree that felt more organic to the plot. Still, I'm struggling to find a suitable staging point for her so far, as most of that characters actions, while entertaining, tend to resolve themselves pretty quickly. Will I just have to bide my time and hope she does something with more lasting consequences? Or should I try and give her a shot in the arm to get the ball rolling, and if so what will that be?

Well, I don't know much about the character besides what you've given me, I'll take what I know and see if I can give you suggestions based off of these details.

#1. Feral World Guardsmen probably haven't ever seen a Hive World in their life before. They're probably gonna be uncomfortable and unfamiliar with their surroundings, in such an absurdly busy place. As GM (in my opinion) you have full right to inform the character of this (for example, make them take penalties to navigation tests if they're trying to get somewhere). They also probably don't know how to act. Perhaps they'll need to find a guide to help them through this place if they ever have to run a solo mission, and/or perhaps her lack of proper conduct could get her into some serious trouble.

#2. While it's not entirely 40k, when you say she's honorable my mind goes right to the characters in the Game of Thrones universe like Eddard Stark. Now, while I'm sure she's probably not lawful stupid in that way, this strikes me as very much a "Ned Stark goes to Kings Landing". If she's from a Feral World, where her honorable ways were well respected and looked kindly upon, she may be totally unprepared for the deceitful, scummy ways of the lower Hives. Perhaps she'll be taken advantage of for those qualities, manipulated or duped because of it! Perhaps you could even introduce her personal Littlefinger, who thinks he can take advantage of this "Feral simpleton", and use her to get ahead in the underworld, or anything to that effect. Just a thought.

#3. Maybe one of her old guard buddies was assigned to this world, for... whatever reason. Maybe he's negotiating the deployment of supplies to whatever front they're going at, or trying to enlist help from the local PDF, showing them that they can be REAL men! Or not even a buddy but perhaps a platoon of her old comrades who might recognize her! Depending on how she ended up working for an Inquisitor, they might have a few questions as to why she mysteriously vanished, and why their sergeant has incredibly tightly sealed lips about the issue.

#4. Hell, maybe the old guard buddies are here because of the renegade Inquisitor somehow! Wouldn't that be fun, if they turned out to be duped by him, or worse yet-- conscripted by him for some task that runs contrary to your party's aims!

That's all I could come up with off the top of my head, but maybe you can use one of those ideas? Or hopefully they'll at least get you started.

Or you could always just wait for the right moment and she does something that makes you go: "Aha! That's interesting!"

Edited by ColArana

Those are great! Thanks so much, that's really given me food for thought. I especially like ideas 3 and 4, and with a little tweaking I'm sure I could get that something like that to work nicely at a later point in the campaign.

Thank you ColArana, I appreciate the help :)

In my Only War campaign, I had little one-on-one sessions with each player, where they were given a mission that was directly related to their specialty and their character. Each one established their own backstory a bit more, and gave me plenty to integrate into the main campaign as well.

For her, maybe there are members of a rival regiment in the same bar/club/brothel/inn that are giving her trouble. Or, a con-artist recognizes her for an unsuspecting Feral worlder, and attempts to dupe her.

and don't forget that that feral world guard woman most likely can't read. Never been in a Hive before. Just think of the fun, if she miss reads a "sign" and goes somewhere "odd". Depending on her size, she might just tower over the locals.

Think Barbarian from D&D in the city, her ways to their will be strange. Her Naivity could be the opening some local needs to get "her" to help him do something "honorable".. :lol:

Yes, I think a rendezvous with some people from her planet could be interesting, or being duped by some less upstanding hiver, as you've all suggested would be the best course of action. Either scenario could work, although connecting it to the main plot would be a bit more difficult. Still, you've given me plenty to think about :)

Subplots don't always have to directly connect to the main plot. Sometimes however, they can influence the main plot without actually being part of it. What happens if she's given her word to the upstanding hiver to help him with a job somewhere, and then suddenly a lead comes up in the investigation that you guys have to follow NOW. She can A. Follow through on her word, ditch her companions and go to help the Hiver (which may frustrate or even anger the other acolytes) or B. Ignore her previous promise to the guy, probably putting a stab at her own honor and probably upsetting or angering her friend.

Something slightly different. How about she was involved in killing a witch or sorcerer back on her home planet. Either as part of a mob or just by herself. She hasn't thought of it since but while on the Hive world she sees this individual again albeit dressed in the garb of the Hive world.

Edited by Visitor Q