Question about Home One.....

By Xander Krane, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

.....which is less to do about the model and more to do with the ship in general. Hence why I put it in off-topic.

I'm doing lots of Star Wars research and wanted to know about the current ships. Came to Home One and got two different impressions:

1. The ship is a one-of-a-kind Mon Calamari ship called "Home One"

2. The ship is a class of Mon Calamari ships known as Home One

My limited knowledge of the Star Wars Universe (6 movies and Battlefront) tells me there is only one Home One.

So my question to anyone with better knowledge than me of all things Star Wars is this:

Is there only one Home One or is it a class of ship?

So difficult to answer, because its all so up in the air as well, with the whole Legends / EU / *thing*...

I think what FFG is trying to show - officially, since they are approved by the LucasFilm story group - is that the Home One is a modified version of the Standard Mon Calamari Cruiser.

- But Caveat, this Answer is based on current observations, and is *NOT* backed up by previous books, previous statements, and previous things, which oft illuded to the Home One being a Unique Vessel that was significantly larger than other MonCals - much in the vein of the Super Star Destroyer vs Executor *thing* that's also going on...

As Drasnighta stated, all is somewhat up in the air as far as whats what anymore, since the EU got axed we really only have the Movies, rebels, clone wars series (I believe they kept this as canon, but not 100% sure) as canon, which we dont have as much info about a lot of things as we used to.

But if you dont mind going off of the "Legends" info:

The Home One is in the MC80 Star Cruiser Class. This class of ship was originally made for civilian use (think cruises), but when the Mon Cals threw in with the rebellion they refitted the Star Cruisers for combat. The interesting thing about Mon Cal ships is that each one is unique, each one is one-of-a-kind. The Mon Cals when building ships always made them differently, unlike the Empire where all ships of the same class were the exact same.

For more info you can visit:

Info on Home One:

List of different MC80 Class Cruisers (that bring up additional info on each:

I was reading Wookieepedia and that's where I got two impressions. As you've pointed out, one was probably "canon" and the other "legends".

Gotta love JJ messing up existing lore to put his own spin on things. I loved the two Star Trek movies, best movies since Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country and First Contact, but JJ took a giant dump on all that came before.

What I've read on Wookieepedia has been awesome. But a lot of that is "Legends".

I know I'll like the sequel trilogy, because I liked the prequels, but it seems the glory days of Star Wars truly ended with Return of the Jedi.

Can't wait for the Home One expansion to see if there's a MC80 and Home One option.

Can't wait for the Home One expansion to see if there's a MC80 and Home One option.

You can already Tell from the preview...

There are two Versions of the MC-80 baseline... That is the Command Cruiser, and the Assault Cruiser...

Home One, will be a Title .

As is Independence, and as an educated guess - Defiance.

Gotta love JJ messing up existing lore to put his own spin on things. I loved the two Star Trek movies, best movies since Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country and First Contact, but JJ took a giant dump on all that came before.

Well, JJ isnt the one that messed up current lore, Disney did. When DIsney obtained the rights to Star Wars they decided that everything other than the Movies, Rebels show, and Clone Wars show will no longer be cannon.

Everything that JJ does with the new movies has to be signed off by Disney. So just make sure you dont put the blame solely on JJ, make sure you also blame Disney :P

Also if JJ does screw up the new movies he will always be known as Jar Jar Abrams to me.

Edited by kami689

Jar Jar Adams :) ) lol

So Disney is to blame! I want some cheese and a hammer; that mouse must pay!

I don't get the issue with the whole Legends and Canon thing. To me it doesn't matter. While the books are great for the EU I am willing to give Disney a chance. They have done well with most of their other acquisitions so they get a chance

I don't get the issue with the whole Legends and Canon thing. To me it doesn't matter. While the books are great for the EU I am willing to give Disney a chance. They have done well with most of their other acquisitions so they get a chance

I agree for the most part. I kind of look at it the same way I do DC Comics, now there are 2 different timelines for star wars. But it is still a little upsetting to me that the star wars I have come to know (have read almost every book in the EU, just missed a couple of the books in the Rise of the Empire timeframe) is now gone, so everything that I know is technically no longer valid.

Jar Jar Adams :) ) lol

So Disney is to blame! I want some cheese and a hammer; that mouse must pay!

Not to go too far off topic but the EU reset really was a good choice. Growing up I read all the star wars books, played all the games and got my hands on every other piece of star wars knowledge I could find. The EU was a messy place. books contradicted each other and the movies (the prequels really are to blame for this) and there were so many characters and so much information that it would have been impossible to make a new movie. Fans of the EU would of hated any attempt because the characters would have been far to shallow to fit them in a movie while the general movie going audience would have been lost. A full re-boot of everything except the movies was a very brave and good choice.

Now back to the main part. Even though they threw out most EU stuff I believe they will keep simple things like this. I think in the new Canon Home One was an exploration variant of an MC-80 cruiser. It confuses me as well that they named the package "Home One" instead of MC-80 but maybe the marketing guys thought people would confuse it with the MC30 or maybe Lucasfilm told them MC-80 was not canon anymore so they could not use it.

As I always understood it (in the 'old canon'), Mon Cal ships were passenger liners and explorationships, closer to individual art than uniform ships like the Star Destoyer, so the Home One is a unique ship, but it belongs to a class of ship called MC80 that was repurposed as a war ship.

There were effectively 3 Mon Cal Cruiser models used in the ROTJ movie - Home One, Winged MC80, and Wingless MC80 (winged one with the wings removed, re-shot).

They used special effects to duplicate the ships for mass shots (the one of the fleet retreating right before the DS2 explodes is a notable example).

As a result, there were multiple "Home-One type" ships present at the Battle of Endor.

Edited by Ironlord

Home One was definately a separate class than the "MC80", but for some reason the EU couldn't handle the idea of multiple classes of ships that were as large or larger than Star Destroyers. Home One was easily twice as long as an ISD and the 'regular' mon cal cruisers were about as long as the ISDs instead of the often quoted smaller lengths. Anything larger than an ISD had to be unique or a special variant.

Also, why wouldn't the people of Dac not have their own defense force? Why would their ships need to be unarmed civilian ships pressed into service? With the Republic unable to protect the multitude of member worlds I can easily see several systems and sectors arming themselves well before the empire was born.

I was reading Wookieepedia and that's where I got two impressions. As you've pointed out, one was probably "canon" and the other "legends".

Gotta love JJ messing up existing lore to put his own spin on things. I loved the two Star Trek movies, best movies since Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country and First Contact, but JJ took a giant dump on all that came before.

Someone actually liked Into Darkness? How? Even if you ignore the horrible space battles both films suffered from you've still got Kirk in Jock with command of a starship mode in the beginning and don't get me strted on Khan's blood not only being able to revive the dead but somehow being able to revive species that wasn't even humanoid much less human though I suppose it ws at least a mammal.or close to one,

Home One was definately a separate class than the "MC80", but for some reason the EU couldn't handle the idea of multiple classes of ships that were as large or larger than Star Destroyers. Home One was easily twice as long as an ISD and the 'regular' mon cal cruisers were about as long as the ISDs instead of the often quoted smaller lengths. Anything larger than an ISD had to be unique or a special variant.

Also, why wouldn't the people of Dac not have their own defense force? Why would their ships need to be unarmed civilian ships pressed into service? With the Republic unable to protect the multitude of member worlds I can easily see several systems and sectors arming themselves well before the empire was born.

Dac's history in Legends is a convoluted mess. Originally they were new to space travel in the Imperial era with contact between them and the Empire being their first contact with galactic civilization then the Empire conquered and enslaved them. This was the period where the idea of them never building warships before converting the MC80s came from.

Then that got retroconned to the Mon Calamari having been in contact with the Republic for thousands of years and the story about the Empire making first contact with Dac being Imperial revisionist history and propaganda. They had a fleet of armed exploration ship which carried fighters and were used for defense but weren't considered dedicated warships. Some of those exploration cruisers escaped the Imperial invasion, joined the early rebel movements and were later retrofit to the MC80 standard while during the occupation the Mon Calamari built a series of MC80 cruise liners that were designed from the ground up to be easily converted into warships.

And in canon they definitely had a groundside or rather seaside defense force during the Clone Wars but AFAIK we have no proof concerning whether or not they had a space force as well.

Edited by RogueCorona

Home One was definately a separate class than the "MC80", but for some reason the EU couldn't handle the idea of multiple classes of ships that were as large or larger than Star Destroyers. Home One was easily twice as long as an ISD and the 'regular' mon cal cruisers were about as long as the ISDs instead of the often quoted smaller lengths.

Newcanon reference works like the Databank, Ships of the Galaxy, etc seem to have carried over the 1300m Home One though.

Home One was definately a separate class than the "MC80", but for some reason the EU couldn't handle the idea of multiple classes of ships that were as large or larger than Star Destroyers. Home One was easily twice as long as an ISD and the 'regular' mon cal cruisers were about as long as the ISDs instead of the often quoted smaller lengths.

Newcanon reference works like the Databank, Ships of the Galaxy, etc seem to have carried over the 1300m Home One though.

Just like the 'SSD 5 mile fallacy' this can be corrected, but I doubt Dr. Saxton can carry the fight once again.

They've been reverting a lot of Saxton's old figures - the Death Star sizes in particular. And going by the new Shattered Empire comics there was No Endor Holocaust.

I like what Abrams did for Star Trek. I'm very tired of the long-winded PC-driven stale morality-driven crap that has been dominating the Star Trek brand for close twenty years. I never liked the TNG+ look/feel/uniforms as much as the TOS era stuff, I didn't like trading adventure out for progressive storytelling, and I'd drop every spaceship appearing in TNG in a heartbeat. I'm glad we can look forward to something New in Star Trek now, instead of the same show but with different names.

So yes, I do like Star Trek , Into Darkness , and I'm looking forward for what we can get in Beyond . From my view Abrams did not destroy Star Trek, he brought it back. And I'm willing to cut him the benefit of the doubt for The Force Awakens because I'm already excited for what we've seen of the previews. And since I lay all the faults of the sequels at the feet of George Lucas, who is no longer part of the SW creative process, My confidence is high.

Now, on the OP question...

I don't think the notion that Mon Calamari cruisers are re-purposed liners have changed, since one appears in the Tarkin novel. I liked presuming that "Home One" was in the very least a call-sign designation. The Falcon is not called Gold Leader after all, that's the call-sign for the battle. But it seems everywhere else treats that as the ship's name.

As for MC types though, beyond the EU permutations it seems we have something like three types. The common ones are the shaped like the Home One and Liberty, but the last type is the wingless liberty (which is vanishingly rare even in the EU).

Into Darkness had plotholes in it I could fly a Death Star through while blindfolded. And that's not even mentioning Kirk acting like a high school Jock or the fact that the writers of the two movies apparently can't understand the concept of an on screen space battle that doesn't involve kamikaze runs, boarding parties or both. Its like the idea of a ship to ship battle being fought with the weapons of the ships is so foreign to them they never considered it Even Nemesis didn't mange to screw that part up this badly. How is this good again?

Seriously watching the space combat in the Abrams Trek movies is like watching some bizaro Star Wars where every space battle is designed to repeat the opening battle between the Tantitve IV and the Devastator.

Edited by RogueCorona

Funny, when I came out of the theater the only question I asked of Into Darkness was "What motivated McCoy to inject that guy's blood into the tribble to get that particular revelation?" Every other plot hole was apparently insignificant enough not to torpedo my enjoyment of the film, even if they could have done better with another protagonist. That they rebooted Trek 2 in some parts, I don't seem to care about that either.

Perhaps I was in so much awe of the Vengeance that I didn't care about little inconsistencies.

I will admit Into Darkness could have been better, but the whole look, feel, and presentation of the Abrams universe is very refreshing and I want to continue seeing more. Just like all the things I see about The Force Awakens makes me want to see more...

Edited by Norsehound

The existence of Vengeance herself is one of the plotholes. In 2009 before Kirk goes to the academy we see parts of Enterprise being constructed. Three years later she is about to be commissioned. So how is Vengeance being both designed and constructed in one year, while being far larger, and being built off the books, both of which would make construction slower, supposed to make sense. Not to mention the time needed to find Khan and for him to learn enough about current technology to design the ship. Then there's the question of why in the name of sanity would anyone construct a hidden shipyard in the same solar system as their capital when they could just as easily put the shipyard in some uninhabited system that no one has any reason to go to?

However if Abrams doesn't turn every space battle into a kamikaze run or boarding action and someone contains or wipes any plotholes which arise The Force Awakens might be good.

You do realize that Abrams didn't come up with these stories- it's the writers. The Director interprets what is written for the visual medium. There might be changes the director does, but some of the deeper flaws that one might perceive in a story don't always come from the director. I think a lot of the unhappy trek fans should be more pissed at Orci and Kurtzman because of what they wrote for what the actors to say and what to be done. Abrams works with what he's got and puts his own flare on things.

Meanwhile the writer for The Force Awakens is Lawrence Kasdan, one of the co-writers for Empire and Jedi . If FA bombs, you're blaming one of the original trilogy screenplay writers.

On the Vengeance , you have some evidence to say the Vengeance couldn't have started construction long before Trek 2009? After all I can suggest the Kelvin was on the Klingon border because they were observing this obviously hostile power that Starfleet was already preparing for. They could have looked for, and found, the Botany Bay anytime Kirk was growing up to help design the Vengeance . Easy, and I didn't have to get huffy over a possible breach of continuity without some imagination.

As for that dock, Groom lake is in the continental United States. It could be anything from a temporarily appropriated starfleet yard to a re-purposed older facility secretly refurbished by Section 31. Starfleet could have also just given them that yard, suggesting as well that Marcus had allies in Starfleet that could cover for him and the agency.

Didn't Khan say he designed Vengeance? And I'm pretty sure he also said he was discovered and re-animated after Vulcan was destroyed.

Edit: For a long time since I said the space battles reminded me of the opening battle between Tantitve IV and Devastator I had a little voice in my mind saying they reminded me of something else as well. I finally figured it out what is was. They remind me of Mass Effect where Shepherd always manages to be off the ship during space combat or to find an excuse to leave the CIC mid-battle to go lead the Mass Effect equivalent of an away team or security squad. In fact the only space battles I recall where he doesn't do this either end in boarding enemy held space stations or the abandon ship alarm is hit before he reaches CIC.

Edited by RogueCorona

The Vengeance specifically, or 'weapons'? From the quotes on Memory alpha it can be taken to say that Khan designed the torpedoes, and knew about the Vegneance's specifications because he worked closely with the ship....

Either way, the technical quagmire of all this is not enough to ruin my enjoyment of the film. And we are off topic... perhaps we should open the discussion on the trekBBS for this?

Home One is a specific ship not a class.