Meet the Party: The Enemy Within

By Cannibal Halfling, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Meet the Party , the series that presents an entire party of read-to-play characters for a variety of systems and settings, complete with basic background profiles and party interactions, has once again turned to Dark Heresy 2nd Edition. While a previous DH2E article might have tried to follow a theme, this article uses material from Enemies Within to craft a team of acolytes specifically for the Ordo Hereticus. These characters are:

Genevieve Heras, a fanatical novice of the Adepta Sororitas, seconded to the Ordo Hereticus to finish the last leg of her training on the way to becoming a Sister of Battle.

Echo Festus , a repentant mutant who is nearly impossible to sneak up on, and whose eyes show him the deaths of the Emperor's enemies.

Narcia "Trix" Rhia , a former bounty hunter pistoleer from the frontier of the Imperium, a desperado looking for vengeance, and the controller of Echo's explosive collar.

Draco Caradoc , a knight from a world frozen in time, a survivor of his regiment who now marches on a holy quest across the stars, a sword in his hand and the faithful at his back.

Need characters for a campaign or a one-shot? Maybe even some acolyte grade NPCs for your players to interact with? Then take a look at Meet the Party: Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, The Enemy Within ! If you have any comments, questions, or even feedback after giving them a try I'd love to hear what people have to say.