Playing solo: What do I buy?

By ad79, in Wings of War (WWI)

I have looked at these games and it will be the next game I buy, but I think most games will be solo.

So my question is: Do I need to buy Burning Drachens or can I buy Famous Aces and find rules for solo play?

What is the best choice?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Stig Morten

ad79 said:

So my question is: Do I need to buy Burning Drachens or can I buy Famous Aces and find rules for solo play?

_Burning Drachens_ is the only one really suited for solo play -- and that's if you like shooting down observation balloons (hence the name).

Thanks for the answer!

They're all quite playable solo, you just need to create some simple system for tailing and such. I try to pick whichever manoeuvre would be the most logical for each plane, and use dice to pick manoeuvres when there's more of a choice. For tailing and near-tailing I pick the tailing plane's cards first and pick the lead's semi-randomly, dicing for picks depending on the plane e.g. Camels will more often make right turns, SPADs will power dive etc. I've got nothing written down for this otherwise I'd post it, besides it all changes "on the fly" depending on the exact situation. Works fairly well for me.

Burning Drachens is the way to go if only getting 1 box set. In fact it's the only box set that I have.

I have all three boxe sets but the Burning Draken is all you really need as it comes with A,B,C & D damage decks.

plus as ad79 said you can do a balloon mission which can be played as a solo game easily.

hope this helps.
