will there be a Ground attack expansion for Wow?

By Pour Le Merite, in Wings of War (WWI)

So what is next after balloon busting and heavy bombers?

The logical thing would be to make a ground attack expansion. And we are not talking about bombing here.

We could get Planes like the Junkers J1 and Halberstadt CLII for it. The british used Camels, Dolphins and DH5 (The sopwith Salamanders did unfortunatly not go into action in the war, only 2 were in france at the armistice, Otherwise was it an armored version of the Snipe for ground attacks).

I think an expansion like this couldbe fun and add a lot to the game :)

What do you guys think? Is there something better for the next expansion?

Pour Le Merite said:

What do you guys think? Is there something better for the next expansion?

Zeppelins.... > :)

(You don't move the zep -- the other acft. are moved *around* it.... :) )

csadn said:

Zeppelins.... > :)

(You don't move the zep -- the other acft. are moved *around* it.... :) )

I dunno. Strafing involves a lot more risk than a zeppilin. Zeppelins are probably best as a single player box. 1 or 2 RNAS planes against a zeppilin, and you could also have some scenarios against Gothas in that.

But there wasn't any specific planes made for Zeppelin hunting even if that was one of the reasons for the Sopwith 2F1 camel so making a full box for it seems hard to me. It would be better to sell a zeppelin model and include a small rulebook to it instead.

With ground attack youll get some specific planes and you could add rules for attacking targets like trains, ammo depots, trenches and so on. It would be a lot more rules and cards then a zeppilin box would.

Zeppelins is really cool of course but only the germans had them and mostly used them for night time bombing of London. It however ceased already in 1916 because of the heavy losses. It do makes the use in a game like Wow rather limited. Ground attacks were made most of the war and was something most pilots did one time or another, don't you remember the cool scene in the "Blue max" movie when the Fokker DVII makes their strafing?

Actually, I would not mind if Nexus/FFG were to release planes that were on the brink of battle.

Though the HAAGs (Historically accurate anal gamers) would not be to fond of it, I plays games for the reasons they were created for, FUN! One of the most fun things about war games is playing them out differently.

I have already created my own how brewed set of prototype cards. Planes that maybe had 1 or 2 built and never saw action.

The plane still needs some detail touch ups and some crisping to do.


Also play with one of these


That's Great!.. partido_risa.gif

Well, I prefer myself to first get the planes that actually were in action myself, there is a lot more to make still. Even smaller planes that barely were used are fine like Pfalz DrI (It was made about 12 DrI, take give 2 planes, my sources have different numbers, some of them were sent to the front).

I wouldn't mind a expansion with planes that were used in the Russian war (The Salamander was actually used there) and the other small wars around but I prefer to not mix them myself.

Since some people (well, at least a few of my players) actually modify their own models to look right our rule is that at least the number of the planes on the board must have been in action at any front to be used in the game. But if you prefer something else than that is fine too, but I just prefer that FFG makes the planes we still haven't got cards and models for before making any that wasn't actually used in the war.

There is a lot of planes still missing even on cards, like my beloved Fokker DVI and I want those ASAP :)

I agree, sea planes even have their place in this game. I even would like to see a official snoopy card. Maybe as a promo in a future blister pack.

For now, I am continuing with "rare" plane cards. I made a mini of the Fokker V-23 now I am in the middle of making a card for it.


Hmm, Fokker V-23... One of the few V models that actually got tested by the German army (wasn't it rejected due to poor visibility?).

They could possibly even have sent one of it to the front so it is one of the best V plane to make, no doubt about it. You don't have a photo of the mini?

Did you made it based on a Fokker DVIII mini or built it from scratch?

Nice work anyways.

Here is some dude that made it in 1/48:


Yup, used a fokker VII, I used Herman's white plane, pulled the wings and filled in areas with model putty. Painted it a grey-ish purple. I bought some lozenge camo decals and never got around to applying them.

I know the wings obstructed the view of the pilot, but think it never went into production was because it crashed. Guess first impressions are everything. Still a beautiful aircraft.

The Sundance Kid said:

Yup, used a fokker VII, I used Herman's white plane, pulled the wings and filled in areas with model putty. Painted it a grey-ish purple. I bought some lozenge camo decals and never got around to applying them.

I know the wings obstructed the view of the pilot, but think it never went into production was because it crashed. Guess first impressions are everything. Still a beautiful aircraft.

I would prefer to use a Fokker DVIII myself, the wing have the same shape on it but if you have a DVII it is of course a good idea to use it... Still DVIII looks a lot more like it (Reviresco have a really great looking DVIII, it is actually a lot better than Wows DrI and DVII, One of the best models I seen).

Still want that picture :)