Enemy Without Expansion

By fog1234, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Only War and Black Crusade are the most unpopular of the line. I would expect Dark Heresy 2 to get more than 5 based on that.

Well, I hope you're right.

Edited by Gridash

Dark Heresy first edition:

Total amount of supplements: 17

Last book release: 8 August 2012

Rogue Trader:

Total amount of supplements: 13

Last book release: 4 December 2013


Total amount of supplements: 11

Last book release: 9 August 2013

Black Crusade:

Total amount of supplements: 5

Last book release: 7 July 2014

Only War:

Total amount of supplements: 5

Last book release: 9 May 2014

Noticing a trend here?

Based on history, there is a good chance that there will be 1 more supplement after Enemies Beyond, and that's it. If not, this would be the shortest line of them all in terms of supplements. They could stop immediately after Enemies Beyond since all the Ordos have been released then.

Didn't Faith and Coin come out this year for Rogue Trader?

~ alemander

Yeah, I was way off. My bad.

~ alemander

Then compare that to the release schedule of the Star Wars RPG line and the amount of content for board and card games - you can quickly see where FFG is placing their bets. Hint: It isn't with WH40k, a niche setting based off of a tabletop game in a downward spiral.

Then compare that to the release schedule of the Star Wars RPG line and the amount of content for board and card games - you can quickly see where FFG is placing their bets. Hint: It isn't with WH40k, a niche setting based off of a tabletop game in a downward spiral.

Is 40k as a whole in a downwards spiral ?

Or is it just the tabletop that's dying ?

There have been a lot of 40k video games released recently after GW started licensing it all over the place. .

Not that it really matters. Even if 40k is growing, Star Wars is much bigger so it makes sense to switch focus.

Then compare that to the release schedule of the Star Wars RPG line and the amount of content for board and card games - you can quickly see where FFG is placing their bets. Hint: It isn't with WH40k, a niche setting based off of a tabletop game in a downward spiral.

Is 40k as a whole in a downwards spiral ?

Or is it just the tabletop that's dying ?

There have been a lot of 40k video games released recently after GW started licensing it all over the place. .

Not that it really matters. Even if 40k is growing, Star Wars is much bigger so it makes sense to switch focus.

The video games after Dawn of War aren't terribly popular, unfortunately, and the trend now seems to be focusing on creating Warhammer Fantasy video games. Not that they have much to do with the table top in the first place, with the 40k games generally being arcade-y FPS games outside of the RTS Dawn of War series.

Not that they have much to do with the table top in the first place, with the 40k games generally being arcade-y FPS games outside of the RTS Dawn of War series.

That problem really stems from GW's way of portraying 40k. When 90% of what they push consists of Space Marysueines putting explosive rounds into legions of aliens, it's no wonder that people have a hard time looking behind this to see how deep the setting can actually get.

It's a shame that 40k's most diverse source of stories - the comics, and certainly not the novels - aren't more popular/known. Necromunda as portrayed in the Jerico/Redeemer series could make for an amazing RPG title.

Exactly - GW pushes Space Marines, which are the heroes for sub-par FPS where you mow down waves of enemies and then nobody gives 40k another look. Honestly, I think they really dropped the ball with their Specialist Games list. Mordheim is currently being translated into a strategy/rpg hybrid that I hope will be really popular - because adapting Necromunda to the computer screen would make an excellent game.

I actually have Mordheim and it's rather fun. Naturally, I too wished it was set in Necromunda instead, though. ;)

Skaventide also seems to be pretty cool, judging by the vids. I could easily see a 40k version for that, too. Perhaps as a hive defence against plague zombies? Space Marines could even be one of the playable classes there, just to benefit from their popularity.

... and that's just if we take the new WHF games and slap the 40k setting on them, mind you!

I think there was a 40k game where you play an Inquisitor, actually, but as it turns out that's more like a Diablo-style dungeoncrawl, and apparently you don't even get any character customisation.

I heard Vermintide was a straight up Left4Dead clone. I know someone who returned it for exactly that reason. And everything I've heard about the Mordheim game has been highly mediocre.

I've said this before, but GW's route to mainstream recognition is licensing 40k to DICE to make Battlefield 41,942. Tau/Orcs vs Guard? Who wouldn't buy that?

I've said this before, but GW's route to mainstream recognition is licensing 40k to DICE to make Battlefield 41,942. Tau/Orcs vs Guard? Who wouldn't buy that?

Similarly, a Dark Heresy/Inquisitor-based Mass Effect-style game done by Bioware would be amazing. They even acquired a license a few years ago!

So is there any Information yet when Enemy without will be implemented in the Character sheet app?

Since I use the App all the time I'd love to see it in there as soon as the pdf is out

I've said this before, but GW's route to mainstream recognition is licensing 40k to DICE to make Battlefield 41,942. Tau/Orcs vs Guard? Who wouldn't buy that?

Well, they're sort of doing that with Eternal Crusade, but needless to say, for now that's Space Marines vs differently coloured Space Marines. They've been planning to add Orks and Eldar, at least.

They also said that eventually they want to do all factions, but personally I'm not going to hold my breath.

Similarly, a Dark Heresy/Inquisitor-based Mass Effect-style game done by Bioware would be amazing.

That would be the best. Sadly too good to become true.

I think GW is deliberately avoiding licensing with big studios nowadays, probably because they are having some ridiculous clause in their contracts that established developers would shy away from. Every videogame you see in development right now is being done by small studios with little to no prior experience in this sector, with the sole exception being WH Total War, and this is only because Sega got the license via Relic.

Fortunately, that doesn't entirely preclude a few gems being among the trash. Personally, I don't have a problem with Vermintide being a L4D clone (you could argue Dawn of War and Space Marine were clones, too, they just had more depth and detail), and Mordheim .. well, I can see how it won't appeal to everyone, but I think it has its charm. Still believe that a Necromunda version would be better tho. :P

Similarly, a Dark Heresy/Inquisitor-based Mass Effect-style game done by Bioware would be amazing.

That would be the best. Sadly too good to become true.

It's not bioware, but Neocore (who did Van Helsing) is doing an inquisitor RPG game. It's looking pretty cool


That's the Diablo-clone I was referring to.


I don't see much of an RPG there, yet, especially as apparently you have zero character customisation. :/

That's the Diablo-clone I was referring to.


I don't see much of an RPG there, yet, especially as apparently you have zero character customisation. :/

It also doesn't even seem very Inquisition-y. No investigation, no subtlety, etc. It's pretty much just "GENERIC DUDE IN POWER ARMOUR KILLS MASSES OF GENERIC BAD GUYS". What a waste.

With their tech, it would have been so simple to throw together some sort of Neverwinter Nights-esque Inquisition game.

Edited by enentol

I've been playing Vermintide with pals, it runs like Left 4 Dead but with much deeper melee, statistically different characters and collectible weapons. As an example, the Bright Witch character can charge up a large pyromancy attack based on her choice of staff, but can hurt herself by overloading if she does this too often.

Hello guys. I love playing Dark Heresy Second Edition and am totally intrigued by the release of new supplement. I live on the far side of the world, though, so only digital versions of new books are available to me and my fellows. When will Enemies Without appear on drivethrurpg.com ? Any assumptions based on releases of other FFG products?

My copy should be here tomorrow. Will be interesting to see what new player options, homeworld variants and enemy profiles we get.

I do wonder how the Tau are getting a spot, isn't the DH setting on the other side of the galaxy compared to their Empire?

I do wonder how the Tau are getting a spot, isn't the DH setting on the other side of the galaxy compared to their Empire?

Dum dum duuuuummmm !

My copy should be here tomorrow. Will be interesting to see what new player options, homeworld variants and enemy profiles we get.

I do wonder how the Tau are getting a spot, isn't the DH setting on the other side of the galaxy compared to their Empire?

It's for the greater good of the book.

My copy should be here tomorrow. Will be interesting to see what new player options, homeworld variants and enemy profiles we get.

I do wonder how the Tau are getting a spot, isn't the DH setting on the other side of the galaxy compared to their Empire?

Well if Rogue Star is any example, there's Ordo Xenos Inquisitors building fleets to eradicate every last one of them.