Athletics and movement

By Guards, in Anima Rules Questions

So the athletics secondary skill is useful by itself but in the movement rules section it says that athletics augments your movement score.

But it does not say how many athletic points improve it by how much or if it does i missed it.

Can someone please clarify?

Also i noticed you could by a weapon called a scourge but did not see a description for it i may have just missed it or maybe its a translation slip up.

Thanks for any help it is much appreciated just getting some rules stuff out the way before i run this for friends

I suggest looking for the post that has the download for the Core Exxet rule changes and clarifications. Has all the stuff on Athletics. As for the scourge I'm unsure of, sorry.

A scourge is a type of whip with multiple thin strands used for striking and some are tipped in metal. I haven't seen any set stats for it, but maybe take the whip base stats and modify from there?

Thanks! And uhm what download? I own a book ?.? i did not assume that would require a download to function. As it is in fact made of dead trees and ink and not interwebz lol

Thanks! And uhm what download? I own a book ?.? i did not assume that would require a download to function. As it is in fact made of dead trees and ink and not interwebz lol

Fantasy Flight Games released an updated core book called "core exxet" and it is like 90% the same as the original core book. So to help us out one of the guys here on the forum created a file that just had all the things that were new to the core exxet and put it up for download. That way we could get the few minor changes without having to buy a whole new book. I can't remember exactly where this file was but if you search for "core exxet" you should find it.

Thanks! And uhm what download? I own a book ?.? i did not assume that would require a download to function. As it is in fact made of dead trees and ink and not interwebz lol

Fantasy Flight Games released an updated core book called "core exxet" and it is like 90% the same as the original core book. So to help us out one of the guys here on the forum created a file that just had all the things that were new to the core exxet and put it up for download. That way we could get the few minor changes without having to buy a whole new book. I can't remember exactly where this file was but if you search for "core exxet" you should find it.

Uhm. What? I thought that was a supplement. Not a second edition . . . . youd think they would make stuff like that more clear

Thanks! And uhm what download? I own a book ?.? i did not assume that would require a download to function. As it is in fact made of dead trees and ink and not interwebz lol

Fantasy Flight Games released an updated core book called "core exxet" and it is like 90% the same as the original core book. So to help us out one of the guys here on the forum created a file that just had all the things that were new to the core exxet and put it up for download. That way we could get the few minor changes without having to buy a whole new book. I can't remember exactly where this file was but if you search for "core exxet" you should find it.

Uhm. What? I thought that was a supplement. Not a second edition . . . . youd think they would make stuff like that more clear

yeah its another edition but the amount of stuff that changed is very small and might as well be a supplement.

Thanks! And uhm what download? I own a book ?.? i did not assume that would require a download to function. As it is in fact made of dead trees and ink and not interwebz lol

Fantasy Flight Games released an updated core book called "core exxet" and it is like 90% the same as the original core book. So to help us out one of the guys here on the forum created a file that just had all the things that were new to the core exxet and put it up for download. That way we could get the few minor changes without having to buy a whole new book. I can't remember exactly where this file was but if you search for "core exxet" you should find it.

Uhm. What? I thought that was a supplement. Not a second edition . . . . youd think they would make stuff like that more clear

yeah its another edition but the amount of stuff that changed is very small and might as well be a supplement.

So which ones are editions and which ones are supplements? Just so i know lol

All of them are supplements, but the Core Exxet didn't change enough to merit it being a real supplement.

All of them are supplements, but the Core Exxet didn't change enough to merit it being a real supplement.

So i should just houserule athletics to say every 40 in athletics giving +1 to movement score.

So each supplement of is sort of a rewrite of the core rule book for different specilizations? Ie the magic one is the core rulebook for magic? I was under the impression that Anima beyond fantasy was designed to be an all in one rule book?

Sorry if these questions seems silly but in all honesty alot of the mistakes that made it to the printers seem silly as well.

Do what you want. The books other than core exxet simply have things that add to the story. Arcana has more spells, more ways to -do- magic, more advantages/disadvantages, more ways to specialize in magic/psychic. Dominus has more Ki, an alternate way to do martial arts, more weapons, more fighting. Prometheus is all about the artifacts. Gaia tells the story of the world and offers ways to get your character more immersed with a richer backstory and skillset. Those who walked gives more details on the creatures, it's essentially a Monster Manual.

You don't need any of them, but they make the world bigger.

Core exxet fixed issues and clarified some areas of the core book, nothing more.

Do what you want. The books other than core exxet simply have things that add to the story. Arcana has more spells, more ways to -do- magic, more advantages/disadvantages, more ways to specialize in magic/psychic. Dominus has more Ki, an alternate way to do martial arts, more weapons, more fighting. Prometheus is all about the artifacts. Gaia tells the story of the world and offers ways to get your character more immersed with a richer backstory and skillset. Those who walked gives more details on the creatures, it's essentially a Monster Manual.

You don't need any of them, but they make the world bigger.

Core exxet fixed issues and clarified some areas of the core book, nothing more.

Thanks good to know im still golden with just the base book. Its how i usually roll in rpgs seems like you could run everything from classic swords and sorcery to scifi with this system

Do what you want. The books other than core exxet simply have things that add to the story. Arcana has more spells, more ways to -do- magic, more advantages/disadvantages, more ways to specialize in magic/psychic. Dominus has more Ki, an alternate way to do martial arts, more weapons, more fighting. Prometheus is all about the artifacts. Gaia tells the story of the world and offers ways to get your character more immersed with a richer backstory and skillset. Those who walked gives more details on the creatures, it's essentially a Monster Manual.

You don't need any of them, but they make the world bigger.

Core exxet fixed issues and clarified some areas of the core book, nothing more.

Thanks good to know im still golden with just the base book. Its how i usually roll in rpgs seems like you could run everything from classic swords and sorcery to scifi with this system

My group has actually run sci-fi campaigns with this system, it takes a bit of creativity but it can be done.

I also went and looked through my archives and found the core exxet's athletics chart in case you wanted to see the official rulings. In the core exxet the athletics skill affects not only your movement value but also how long you can run or move at full movement value before having to burn a fatigue point.

Result | Movement Bonus | Running Duration | Max Movement Duration

<40 | None | 1 min. | 1 turn

40 | None | 5 min. | 2 turns

80 | None | 5 min. | 5 turns

120 | None |10 min. | 10 turns

140 | None | 40 min. | 15 turns

180 | +1 | 1 hour | 1 minute

240 | +1 | 2 hours | 2 minutes

280 | +2 | 5 hours | 3 minutes

320 | +2 | 1 day | 5 minutes

With the Core Exxet's rules for athletics the greatest advantage of investing in the skill isn't increased movement value, it is actually reduced fatigue loss. As you can see with the chart above simply going from easy to difficult levels of athletics doubles the amount of time you can run before having to burn a fatigue point. I personally think giving a player +1 movement value per 40 points would be quite unbalanced. I personally have an acrobatic warrior who would be able to reach movement value 14-15 easily with such a ruling which would enable her to move 166-266 feet per second as long as she had learned zen.