Twin Shadows: Has anyone played??

By jomayo112, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Anyone from Gen Con played this yet? How are the new Rebel characters class decks? Does anyone know the rules on how the mini-campaign works? How many missions (I've read, 3, 4, and 6 on different boards)? And I am really really curious to know what types of weapons, agenda's, and particular how amazing does the rest of the cards we haven't seen for inspiring leadership class deck look? Dying with anticipation for my pre-order to come in!

^ What Jomayo said. Come on peeps. It's bad enough you were able to scoop a copy before everyone else; give us some spoilers!

Edited by admiralcrunch

I just opened up my copy i got off of someone at GenCon, when i have some time I will try to come back and post a few pictures!

+ Windows 10 is not letting me sync pictures from my phone like the POS software it is. Why, who knows?

Edited by jjohnson111

I lied, i went ahead and just did it now, i know i'll have little to no time coming up!

Here you go:





Campaign Rewards:

Goes as follows from top to bottom:
Tier 1
Tier 2 + Supply Crate items
Tier 3




Inspiring Leadership Deck:


Couple things from the rulebook:

6 new missions, 12 epilogues (see the picture for what an epilogue is):

Mini Campaign:


Misc Things:


Edited by jjohnson111

Holy moly Hunt them Down is outrageous.

Uuh. Lots of good stuff here. The tech will be interesting and Bo just seem really fun to play!

Thanks for the pictures...

Energy shield seems pretty dang strong. No Los needed, can add multiple blocks/evades after a roll provided you have the tokens.

So if you get the Counterparts reward, you can get either R2 or 3PO for free, and they don't count against the ally limit? That is insane and I love it. I'm sad it's only a one-off though. Gotta save it for the right time I guess.

Thanks for the pictures...

Energy shield seems pretty dang strong. No Los needed, can add multiple blocks/evades after a roll provided you have the tokens.

The problem is she can only give 1 token per round (unless you only have 2 or 3 heroes.) That means in average you are limited to 6 tokens per mission. Of course you can double that with Gadgeteer which imo looks like a mandatory skill for her.

All those photos just remind me it'll still be a while before I can obtain these in the UK. Great work on the photos by the way, really appreciated.

Thanks for the pictures...

Energy shield seems pretty dang strong. No Los needed, can add multiple blocks/evades after a roll provided you have the tokens.

The problem is she can only give 1 token per round (unless you only have 2 or 3 heroes.) That means in average you are limited to 6 tokens per mission. Of course you can double that with Gadgeteer which imo looks like a mandatory skill for her.

I wouldn't call that a problem ;)

If she can get 2 out per turn, then hypothetically that's an additional 2 blocks on someone per turn. That's pretty big!

Any info about using the new troop types in the original campaign?

For example, are you allowed to use Heavy Troopers as an open group in any campaign mission or are they restricted to Twin Shadows missions? Posted a similar concern about the Hired Guns expansion.

I'm a little suprised that they didn't include some weapon mods that include the weakened condition. That would greatly increase it's usage over the 2 weapons and 1 item included.

Thanks for the pictures...

Energy shield seems pretty dang strong. No Los needed, can add multiple blocks/evades after a roll provided you have the tokens.

The problem is she can only give 1 token per round (unless you only have 2 or 3 heroes.) That means in average you are limited to 6 tokens per mission. Of course you can double that with Gadgeteer which imo looks like a mandatory skill for her.

I wouldn't call that a problem ;)

If she can get 2 out per turn, then hypothetically that's an additional 2 blocks on someone per turn. That's pretty big!

Yes, but then you aren't using those devices for other things like extra surges or the other options (though I doubt the attribute test option will be used much.) Maybe she'll play better in game than on paper, but I think Gideon would be better support.

I'm a little suprised that they didn't include some weapon mods that include the weakened condition. That would greatly increase it's usage over the 2 weapons and 1 item included.

I'm sure they'll add much more options in the bigger expansion, Return to Hoth.

Firstly: thank you, I love you.

Some of my thoughts (if anyone cares):

Saska looks fun and useful (though probably worse than Gideon the majority of the time). Gadgeteer seems essential.

My initial impression of Biv was much less favourable. He has poor mobility and poor multi target damage. If you upgrade him he can probably kill a regular royal guard with one activation (which is good) but other than that his contribution seems minimal. Into the fray makes him obscenely tanky though.

I love the flavour of chance cubes but they give expected 17ish credits (2/6*150-4/6*50) which is garbage.

The hunting rifle seems amazing, you'll seldom get the focus but it's a cheap long range gun that can weaken a target. The carbine is also good , it has slightly worse range than the a280 (i.e. enough) but noticeably more damage.

Leadership seems very weak early but very strong late. Field general + Lead by example is nuts.

I'm not sure I'd want to do the mini campaign unless I could do it in one session or over a weekend.

Edit: The other thing is both of these heroes are extremely based around their basic abilities.

Edited by Norgrath

The Tech Goggles are also a HUGE improvement for Saska.

Would you be able tto use Upclose and Personnal and then Final Stand? That would be alot of action for one turn.

Suporvisorry agent is pretty strong in the early missions where threat is low.

The new tier1 weapons seems kinda weak don't they? If the Gaffistick really an upgrade over Diala's stick or Gaarkhans axe?

The rifle seems better if you have a steady supply of surge.

The mini campaign seems great a one-day gaming session. Often it's hard to find player to meet regularly with and this campaign is great way to compensate that.

Edited by Hatting

You can ask that question about most tier 1 weapons. I don't think things in the 2-300 range are meant to be clear upgrades. Though I think the rifle is for Mak.

Do I understand correctly that there are no green missions in Twin shadows?

Thanks for the pics! Can you add pics of the wounded Hero Sheets ?

The Tech Goggles are also a HUGE improvement for Saska.

Almost as good as Beer Goggles at 1:45 AM, just prior to closing time....


Thanks for posting. Awesome information!!

Do you know how many missions make up the mini-campaign? Would love to see how the campaign log works. Thanks!

Thanks for awesome images!

Would love to see the mission cards too if you have the time!

Last update before the weekend - going away with the ms. (maybe I can bring IA with us?!?!)

Mission Log:


Saska Damaged:


Biv Damaged:


(sorry photobucket is being dumb, and won't show it rotated properly, but you get the idea)

Thanks for awesome images!

Would love to see the mission cards too if you have the time!

What mission cards? Dark side agendas? Light side? Won't get around to that til next week, but better late than never!

Also, I couldn't wait:


Edited by jjohnson111

So there's effectively only 4 paths through the missions. Still plenty of play time though.

Edit: correction 8.

Edited by Aahzmandius_Karrde