Dropping Below avergae

By rakashan, in Talisman Rules Questions

My friends and I were playing with the Harbinger this weekend. and there wree a number of timeswhere we ran into cards where you had to lose 1 strength or 1 craft but in most of those situations,the characters were already atthier base values. Wold they still lose 1 strenght or craft,even though they wee already at their starting value? also, on a simialr note,I ran into the Nephilim( sp?) demon (I think that wa sit) and in the flavor text it said, after you defeat it, all your carft points are tarnsfered inot strenght. AT that time I had 7 craft and 7 strength-wolud my strenght shoot up to 14 or only as far as it was above my base value-which was 4?.

Strength and Craft never go below their "values," the numbers on your character card.

Strength and Craft are made of three numbers: value (the number on your card), points (red and blue cones), and modifiers (things on cards like the sword, magic belt, etc.)

If a card affects your "points," it means your cones. So if an effect causes your Craft points to turn into Strength points, you just trade in your blue cones for red ones. Your other "values" and "modifiers" stay the same, I believe.