How do I find the closest store that is running the Wrath of the undead OP kits?

By runatyr, in BattleLore


I don't normally post here but I do have a question or 2?

1) Will the Op kits eventually be made public?

2)how can I locate a list of stores that will be participating?




Sadly there is no list of stores that are running it. I have reached out to FFG and they said they will publish a list.

They better do it soon. Wasn't this thing supposed to be happening mid-August? I can't wait to find out where the closest store is!

Still nothing...sadly! Guess FFG doesn't care..

Nice! So, the new card seems to be Onslaught with a different art, is this correct?

That's what it looks like now. I'm confused because in previous articles they said it would be an alternate art Reanimate. But I'd trust the most recent info.

Yeah, indeed, it has changed. If you don't mind, after you pick up your copy, sharing some light...

I took them to mean it was an alternate command card featuring Reanimates in the artwork, not an alternate Reanimate card. That seems to be what's shown in the latest announcement.

Okay, that makes a lot more sense. In any case, I care less about alternate art than just meeting other players.

(I've got a few alternate art Star Wars LCG cards that I don't use because I use the images for card recognition and I hate seeing those cards and having to pick it up and read it because I don't recognize it. But I suppose they are fun to collect.)

What I wanna know is if there's any chance of that gorgeous playmat going into regular production. I needs it.

What I wanna know is if there's any chance of that gorgeous playmat going into regular production. I needs it.

That's a good question. I do hope so, considering also that some mats for other games are available at FFG shop. Fingers crossed!

I'm not so sure about that mat. Well, as I think I've said before, it lacks any Uthuk Y'llan art so it's definitely a no-go for me. But if you look at other mats like the X-Wing ones, you can see that this mat would likely have a $40 price tag. That's the price of an army pack!

But who knows. Maybe after I play on it I'll change my tune. :)

Sadly, there are no events in Europe.

If someone is getting mutiple copies of that Onslaught alt art card, would someone be so kind and send me one to Germany? Contact me via private message.

Sadly, there are no events in Europe.

Yup, this is something I was really looking for after the merging with Asmodee

Saturday, October 24th, 2015, @12:00PM

Isle of Games

7747 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85710

This is the time and place of the Tucson promotional BattleLore tournament. People will already have their hands on the Undead, but at least you can come and get some cool alternate art.

If you or someone you know is in southern Arizona, please come on out or encourage them to attend so we can get a big turn-out!

If anyone in NE England would like a chance to play Battlelore (and why wouldn't you, it's an amazing game!) and gain a promo card to boot, they can contact Midlam Miniatures in Gateshead (near Newcastle) and we will run an introduction game for you. You will need to book a game (which is free), as we only have the one demo set, and the table and/or staff need to be available.


Midlam Miniatures