No, this game is not an LCG. One of the graphic designers just happened to have "LCG" in a filename. They can name files whatever they want when they are working on them.
So, what sort of card game is this going to be exactly if it is not a an LCG?
I am not speaking of mechanics.
I am speaking as to card acquisition.
Will this game be one that is exact in what you buy each time or are they random like MtG, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, etc?
I really have no idea folks.
The only FFG games I am somewhat familiar with are Talisman 4th and WF-RPG 2nd/3rd.
So I really have no idea how the card games of FFG are set up.
Your help is appreciated.
There will be no card acquisition in the sense of those games you mention. It is a normal board game, not a collectible or living card game, it just happens that the components are mainly cards. You don't have to buy tons of expansion packs and to build decks to play. Think about games like 7 wonders or Space Hulk Death Angel: the components are basically only cards, but still they are a "standard" board game.
There will probably be expansions if the game turns out to be successful, but they will probably be fewer in number when compared to an LCG, more like the number you can see for standard FFG board games. Definitely there will not be any randomness in the component you get.
I think it was clearly stated by people from FFG in the interviews or in the forums, if I am not imagining this, that this is not an LCG, so I guess that puts a nail on it. The name of a temporary file doesn't mean anything. Hell, LCG in this context might even be an acronym for something totally different.