LackeyCCG Star Wars LCG Plugin v1.3.4 Update

By MasterJediAdam, in Star Wars: The Card Game

It is with great pleasure that I announce the latest update to the the LackeyCCG SWLCG, version 1.3.4. I want to extend my thanks to Gaylak Fyyar for the use of his custom images: they are pretty fantastic.

Here is the information from the README:

**You will manually need to update any deck with Defense of Yavin 4 (008), Admiral Ackbar (012), Advisor to the Emperor (020), Admiral Motti (026), Wedge Antilles (038), A Dark Time for the Rebellion (051), Executor (066), Shadows of Nar Shaddaa (083), Zuckuss (106) or Obi-Wan Kenobi (129)**
- A big thanks to Gaylak Fyyar for the custom images!
- Added Chain of Command and images (sets 161-165)
- Added new tokens for LS and DS Force
- Added all promo images through the Summer 2015 Game Night Kits
- Added custom Affiliation images from Online Tournament
- Made minor corrections to Obi-Wan Kenobi (129) and Shadows of Nar Shaddaa
- Added errata and restrictions from 9 Jul FAQ
I have organized the images into blocks; Core, Hoth Cycle (Hoth), Edge of Darkness (EoD) etc. All promotional images are flagged as being part of their own set (Promo) but are organized such that you will see them directly along side their standard counterpart. If you do not want to risk accidentally including both copies, simply filter the promos out until after your deck is built and substitute.
There are a number of different types of promos that come from different sources, but all of them are considered promotional images. If they are fan created, they have “fan” in the name or have an (xF) at the end, where “x” is the number - if there are multiple versions of the card. You can search for promos with the set filter and “promo”.

Click here to get the install information if you are new!