Greyjoy Winter 1.0 (LCG)

By Hyrion84, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

hey guys,

i just put a greyjoy winter deck together and would like to hear what you think about it. the heart of the deck are 3x winter time marauders. sometimes i can stand this guys with support of harlaw and to be a kraken so they can make a lot of damage to non-unique attachmens, locations and characters. for all the other locations and attachments i put in 2x scurvy cutthroat and 2x price of war.
for draw i use 2x sam and 2x iron victory. for fast power i put in 2x assertion of the might 2x wintertime armada and some renown guys. 3x iron mines and 1x the save-maester if the opponent use ugly things like valar.
i think one of the weak points of the deck are int-challanges so i put in 1x bringers of law to defend important cards in my hand and 2x stoaway to give some big guys an int-icon.

here is the deck:

best regards


Hyrion84 said:

hey guys,

i just put a greyjoy winter deck together and would like to hear what you think about it. the heart of the deck are 3x winter time marauders. sometimes i can stand this guys with support of harlaw and to be a kraken so they can make a lot of damage to non-unique attachmens, locations and characters. for all the other locations and attachments i put in 2x scurvy cutthroat and 2x price of war.
for draw i use 2x sam and 2x iron victory. for fast power i put in 2x assertion of the might 2x wintertime armada and some renown guys. 3x iron mines and 1x the save-maester if the opponent use ugly things like valar.
i think one of the weak points of the deck are int-challanges so i put in 1x bringers of law to defend important cards in my hand and 2x stoaway to give some big guys an int-icon.

here is the deck:

best regards


I cannot find the deck! I think you should publish it.

Any way, for what you explained, I'll give you my Humble opinion ;-)

Intrigue is a weak point against some decks, yes...But I don't think putting in a 3-cost neutral Char is a good choice...I'd add something different...With a deck like this, the first way you have to use to avoid your "limits" is to KILL EVERYTHING on the table by Military and other stuff...Assault of the Kraken is a wonderful example. Put in the more Claim you can handle taking care of average income, but thinkin' about the fact that a couple of 2 claim plot to start can be the end for the oppo...

You should think about:

- BIG set up;

- Immediate high claim;

- Unopposed/Stealth to close.

3 Plots maximum, that's all you need...And Greyjoy have some resilient stuff to get back the game even if it gets too long...But that's not your focus, I suppose.

As a side not, You'd never be afraid to get a Valar with "Pirates" :-)...You should be able to Survive as best as you can to it (I'd suggest EVEN to play it, cause it's a suprising way to close the game when you're near the end)...Yes, you've not CLAIM, but you get unopposed/renown powers.

That's just what I think in general...If I can see the deck, I'll try to tell you something more (as other players here, I hope) ;-)



EDIT: I cannot delete double posts...

hey cooper,

thank you for your quick response. it's strange because i can find the deck with link but let's try it that way:

Greyjoy Winter 1.0 - Greyjoy - Kings of Winter

----- Plots (7) avg income: 3.4 -----
Rise of the Kraken x1 Kings of the Sea F54
Desolate Passage x1 The Raven's Song F79
A Time for Ravens x1 A Change of Seasons F59
The Winds of Winter x1 The Winds of Winter F40
Wildfire Assault x1 Core Set L191
Rule by Decree x1 Core Set T206
Fury of the Kraken x1 Ancient Enemies F28

----- Characters (26) avg cost: 2.5 -----
* Balon Greyjoy x1 Kings of the Sea F1
* Asha Greyjoy x1 Kings of the Sea F2
* Theon Greyjoy x1 Kings of the Sea F3
* Euron Crow's Eye x1 Kings of the Sea F4
* Victarion Greyjoy x1 Kings of the Sea F5
* Maester Wendamyr x1 Kings of the Sea F7
* Wex Pyke x1 Kings of the Sea F8
Stowaway x2 Kings of the Sea F10
* Dagmer Cleftjaw x1 Kings of the Sea F14
Scurvy Cutthroat x2 Kings of the Sea F16
* Randyl Tarly x1 Kings of the Sea F45
* Alannys Greyjoy x1 Refugees of War F89
* Samwell Tarly x2 The Raven's Song F66
Wintertime Marauders x3 A Change of Seasons F47
* Mance Rayder x1 The Winds of Winter F33
Carrion Bird x3 The Winds of Winter F35
First Mate x1 Sacred Bonds F42
Bringers of Law x1 Ancient Enemies F40
* King Balon's Host x1 The War of Five Kings F5

----- Locations (21) avg cost: 0.8 -----
Iron Island Fiefdoms x2 Kings of the Sea F23
* Aeron's Chambers x1 Kings of the Sea F24
Sunset Sea x3 Kings of the Sea F25
Bloody Keep x1 Kings of the Sea F26
The Iron Mines x3 Kings of the Sea F27
* Longship Iron Victory x2 Kings of the Sea F28
Scouting Vessel x2 Kings of the Sea F29
Gatehouse x2 Kings of the Sea F31
Winter Armada x2 The Winds of Winter F39
Street of Steel x1 Core Set S139
Shadowblack Lane x1 Core Set L144
Street of Sisters x1 Core Set B149

----- Attachments (7) avg cost: 1.5 -----
Support of Harlaw x2 Kings of the Sea F21
White Raven x3 The Winds of Winter F24
Fishing Net x2 A Song of Summer F4

----- Events (6) -----
The Price of War x2 Kings of the Sea F38
Assertion of Might x2 Kings of the Sea F41
To Be a Kraken x2 Sacred Bonds F47

I confirm my suggestions, above...

Anyway, there's no "rule" ;-)

I don't know what do you exactly want from this deck. If you want to rely on Winter (not only for your own stuff, but thinkin' about the difficulties that the oppo might have in building a countermeasure), I'd keep down the AVERAGE character cost.

Following my previous suggestions, I'd add more chars, pull out some location and a couple of attachments.

Less choices, but more speed and consistancy. I guess it's the best thing to do with Greyjoy, right now (I'm just talkin' about GREYJOY WINTER concepts...I run a more "heavy" Greyjoy which relies on Stealth and milling and that's pretty different).

Hope this make sense.

If you wanna talk in depth about the deck, just post...Here I am! ;-)