FFG Sleeves

By ImDoneItsOver, in General Discussion

It says deck size for AGoT 2nd Ed is 60 cards yet those awesome card sleeves are only 50 count? Thats not cool :(

Well, min deck size for the Kingslayer tournament is 50, so that's a start :P .

Keep in mind that with 60 cards, 7 plots, a house card and an agenda, you need at least 69 sleeves (regularly), and a few to spare in case a sleeve breaks or is marked. That said, I usually sleeve my non-draw deck cards with different sleeves, so that count isn't entirely fair either.

The "perfect" number per pack would probably be something like 65 or 70, to provide some replacements for damaged/marked ones, but that'd probably raise questions too!

Edited by -Istaril

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