I also rather like the monster from this film, if only because Z/B-Grade Anteater Gillmen are funny.
I also rather like the monster from this film, if only because Z/B-Grade Anteater Gillmen are funny.
Re: Blair's programme - that always bugged me, cos it shows the alien cell consuming the others, not just infecting. They should infect and replicate, so you end up with multiple imitation dog cells, but in fact there's never more than one alien/imitation cell visible.
Re: Blair's programme - that always bugged me, cos it shows the alien cell consuming the others, not just infecting. They should infect and replicate, so you end up with multiple imitation dog cells, but in fact there's never more than one alien/imitation cell visible.
Probably done to keep things simple for the audience. Or maybe the thing can only reproduce by turning other cells into copies of itself, disguised as another cell.
Stat ALL the B-movie monsters!!!
On a semi-related subject, I started a thread ( here ) a while back about using B-movies as inspiration for Dark Heresy missions.
• The Nosferatu (Vampire)
I took a crack at adapting those to WH40KRP:
My curiosity was piqued by a reference on page 71 of Disciples of the Dark Gods . Under the heading ‘The Threat of Dominion’ is this description: “ Some xeno-forms have dark powers to dominate and control humanity by psychic or other means, perhaps even forcing others to worship them as false gods. Abhorred creatures such as the Nostrafex, the Simulacra, and the Cryptos pose insidious and subtle dangers, turning humans against their own and treating them as little more than cattle or playthings .” Simulacra and Cryptos have already been depicted in WH40KRP , but what the heck is a ‘Nostrafex’? There is no Nostrafex entry on Lexicanum , indicating that this quote is probably the only appearance in 40K lore. The name seems to be intended to invoke a vampiric image; this made me think of a picture on page 198 of the latest 40K Rulebook , depicting a collection of xenomorphs, one of which is a bat-like humanoid. I decided this would be a reasonable candidate for a Nostrafex.
Something about that monster seemed naggingly familiar, however, and it finally occurred to me that the first edition 40K rulebook (a.k.a. Rogue Trader ) featured a Vampire in its’ bestiary section, accompanied by an illustration of a bat-like humanoid. I never read the description before; I just assumed, given WH40K:RT ’s debt to it’s’ fantasy predecessor, that these Vampires were probably more-or-less straight-forward versions of the Undead creatures from folklore. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they were in fact xenomorphs, shape-changing aliens with psychic powers, which infiltrate the societies of other races in order to feed on the ‘life-force’ of unsuspecting victims. The vampire legends of Old Earth were just flawed interpretations of what was actually a wide-spread xeno threat- I suspect that the then-recent movie Lifeforce (1985) was the main inspiration.
This settled it: my Nostrafex would be an updated version of the old WH40K:RT -era Vampire. The original vamp had a pretty beefy stat-line, indicating that it should be translated into a high-level opponent in DH - perfect for my purposes, since my players are coming up on Ascension Ranks, and I’ll be needing some powerful Adversaries to throw at them.
Other creatures from WH40K:RT have been introduced into WH40KRP (Enslavers, Psychneuein, Ambulls, etc.), and all of them were significantly altered from their initial appearance, so I didn’t feel obliged to stay strictly true to the WH40K:RT stats. The biggest change I decided to make was to replace the ability to physically change shape (an ability already possessed by a few xenomorphs in WH40KRP ) with a psychic illusion of an alternate form. This seemed more ‘characterful’ to me, and would also explain why vampires avoid mirrors…
So, without further ado, here’s my take on vampires-as-xeno-menace in WH40KRP .
The galaxy is home to innumerable horrors, things ancient and undying, lurking in the cosmic darkness. Hideous survivals of eldritch aeons prey on young races which are fool enough to believe themselves to be masters of all they survey. Hideous aliens, warp-tainted creatures and daemonic entities all exist on the edges of humanity’s limited perception, often mistaken for mere legends or children’s fright-tales. The Nostrafex are one of these: warp-channeling abominations which feed on life energy itself.
What information the Inquisition has on the parasitic species dubbed the Nostrafex is fragmentary at best, with a handful of anecdotal accounts interspersed among a multitude of rumors and wild speculation. The Holy Ordos have noted the marked similarities between modern encounters with the Nostrafex, and legendary monsters that exist in the oldest legends of Ancient Earth- half-remembered tales of blood-sucking creatures once known by a variety of names: nosferatu, strigoi, vampyr. This has led to the chilling conclusion that one or more of these xeno abominations visited Holy Terra during the infancy of human civilization, and the horror of the encounter left echoes indelibly etched into mankind’s race memory.
Where this vampiric species originated is a mystery. They are an incredibly ancient race which spread throughout the known galaxy long before the ascent of Man. They are endowed with powerful psychic abilities that allow them to manipulate members of other races into becoming their servants, their protectors… and their prey.
According to the few credible accounts the Inquisition has on file, Nostrafex’ natural forms are truly horrible to behold: they are bat-like humanoids, roughly man-sized, with large membranous wings stretched along their arms. This form is almost never seen by those who encounter a Nostrafex, however, for they are able to project a completely convincing psychic illusion into the minds of those around them. This illusion can be of nearly anything the Nostrafex has personally seen in the course of its millennia-spanning lifetime, and can represent even specific individuals.
Nostrafex feed on the life-force of other beings, drawing it out with a special psychic attack. They will only employ this attack in combat only out of desperation; normally it is used against victims that are already under the psychic domination of the Nostrafex, or against victims caught by surprise or while sleeping. A cautious Nostrafex will use its considerable psychic abilities to wipe all memory of this attack from the minds of victims. While maintaining a cover identity, a Nostrafex will normally spread its attacks among a number of individuals, to avoid draining any one victim to death- for not only does a strange death risk drawing unwanted attention, but the warp-taint of a Nostrafex’ energy-draining attack causes the body of a victim to subsequently reanimate as a warp zombie, a walking corpse which is driven to attack the living.
A Nostrafex needs to drain the life-force of other beings in order to survive. If it does not regularly consume this energy, it will weaken until it falls into a seemingly lifeless state. The Nostrafex retains a degree of consciousness and a dim perception of its surroundings, but it cannot take any physical actions, appearing for all intents and purposes to be dead. A successful Psyniscience Test can reveal that a dormant Nostrafex body is still psychically active, albeit at a much-reduced level. It can be brought out of its ‘dead’ state via a sorcerous ritual that involves a blood sacrifice; usually this is performed by an unwitting lackey under the Nostrafex’ psychic influence. A newly-revived Nostrafex will be ravenous- this is when these horrors are at their most dangerous.
These aliens seemingly have no technology of their own, relying entirely on the devices of other races to accomplish anything beyond their own abilities. Indeed, one of their goals in infiltrating the societies of other races is to gain access to space travel, for the Nostrafex seek to avoid their own kind, whom they instinctively regard as rivals- a drive that has led to them spreading across the galaxy, while simultaneously keeping their numbers quite limited. On the rare occasions when two Nostrafex occupy the same territory, they will almost always be a mated pair.
Nostrafex typically assume positions of authority within the societies they infiltrate, either by killing existing leaders and assuming their identities, or by using their considerable psychic abilities to quickly advance within the societal structure. Being perceived as a member of a society’s ruling elite makes it easier for the Nostrafex to conceal their true nature, since they can then dictate the conditions with which they interact with the local populace. In addition to the practical advantages of being in leadership positions, it is assumed that this practice also satisfies the Nostrafex’ personal egos, as they see themselves as inherently ‘above’ other races, and thus dislike assuming identities that put them on the same social level as a world’s general populace.
Extremely cunning, with the equivalent of many human lifetimes’ worth of experience to call upon, a Nostrafex can usually keep its activities concealed from any who could pose a potential threat. However, centuries without a challenge can lead to a Nostrafex growing complacent, even reckless. A growing number of walking dead plaguing a backwater community could be the handiwork of warp-dabblers, a blasphemous cult, daemonic infestation, or possibly- just possibly- a hungry Nostrafex…
WS: 65 BS: 35 S: 55 T (10) 50 A: 45 INT: 75 PER: 45 WP: 80 FEL: 45
MOVE: 4/8/12/24
SKILLS: Acrobatics (Ag) +10, Awareness (Per) +20, Charm (Fel) +20, Ciphers- Xeno Markings (Int), Climb (S) +20, Common Lore: Imperium (Int), Concealment (Ag) +20, Deceive (Fel) +20, Dodge (Ag) +20, Forbidden Lore: Arcana, Warp, Xenos (Int), Literacy (Int), Psyniscience (Per) +20, Scholastic Lore: Archaic (Int), Scrutiny (Per), Search (Per) +10, Shadowing (Agility) +20, Silent Move (Ag) +20, Speak Language: High Gothic, Low Gothic, 2d5 others (Int).
TALENTS: Favoured By The Warp, Fearless, Furious Assault, Hatred (Nulls), Leap Up, Psy Rating (4), Step Aside, Sure Strike, Takedown, Weapon Training (Universal).
TRAITS: The Emperor Protects!*, Fear (2- true form only), Flyer (4), Improved Natural Weapons (Teeth and Claws), Sonar Sense, The Stuff of Nightmares, Unhallowed**, Unnatural Toughness (x2), Vampiric***.
*If presented by an Aquila held forth by one of true faith, the Nostrafex must succeed in a Very Hard (-30) Willpower test to advance or attack that person.
**Weapons with the Holy/Consecrated quality ignore this creature’s Unnatural Toughness Trait.
***A Nostrafex must drain at least 10 points of Willpower from a sentient being every 24 hours via its Drain Life-Force psychic power (see below), or gain 1 level of Fatigue that cannot be removed by any means other than successfully feeding on a victim. These levels of Fatigue are cumulative; if they equal or exceed the Nostrafex’ Toughness Bonus, it falls into a deathlike state of suspended animation. It can take no physical action, but is still semi-conscious, with Intelligence, Willpower, and Psi Rating reduced by half. It gains the Unnatural Senses (10) Trait, and will attempt to use its limited psychic abilities to influence any individual that comes within this range to perform the blood ritual necessary to revive it- either through outright domination or with promised of wealth and power. A Nostrafex can remain dormant almost indefinitely.
WEAPONS: Claws/Bite (1d10+5 R), or as appropriate for cover identity.
GEAR: As appropriate for cover identity.
PSYCHIC POWERS: Nostrafex have access to all Minor Powers and all Telepathy Discipline Powers (with Discipline Mastery), and two powers specific to their kind: Glamour and Drain Life-Force.
GLAMOUR (Threshold: 9; Focus Time: Full Action; Sustained: Yes [see below]; Range: You) The Nostrafex is capable of projecting a completely convincing psychic illusion of another form. This illusion can be of any creature of Average-size, or one size category larger or smaller, which the Nostrafex has previously encountered, and it effects all senses (sight, sound, touch, etc.). Since the illusion is being projected directly into the mind of the observer, it effects- or seems to effect- artificial senses. Recording devices are not fooled, however, nor are simple mirrors, which reveal a Nostrafex as it truly is. A successful Psyniscience Test will reveal the presence of a psychic illusion, but at least two Degrees of Success are required to perceive the Nostrafex’ real form.
The Glamour can be maintained indefinitely (even while asleep or in suspended animation) without requiring additional Power Rolls, but it adds 4 to the Threshold of additional powers like normal; one of the rare instances when a Nostrafex may willingly drop the Glamour and reveal its’ true form is when it needs to employ multiple psychic powers simultaneously.
DRAIN LIFE-FORCE (Threshold: 20; Focus Time: Full Action; Sustained: No; Range: Touch) Nostrafex feed by draining life energy from sentient beings. This takes the form of a special psychic attack. If the Power Roll is successful, the Nostrafex and the target make opposed Willpower tests; if the target wins, there is no effect. If the Nostrafex wins, the victim is drained of 1d10 points of Willpower, plus one point per Degree of difference between the two results. A Nostrafex which ‘feeds’ in this way may remove one level of Fatigue or heal one point of damage (or combinations thereof) per point of Willpower drained.
Anyone who has lost Willpower to this attack treats any subsequent Willpower Tests to resist psychic powers from that Nostrafex as one level more difficult. Lost points of Willpower return slowly, at a rate of 1 point per month if the Nostrafex is still alive; if it is subsequently slain, points return at a rate of 1 per day.
Any victim which has its’ Willpower reduced to zero by this power immediately dies. Worse, the drained corpse, tainted with warp energy by the unholy attack, will reanimate as a Warp Zombie (see below) if not subjected to proper exorcism rituals of remove the lingering corruption.
Beings with a warp resonance, or ‘soul’, which are killed by a Nostrafex’ Drain Life-Force psychic power will reanimate 1d10 hours later as a Warp Zombie. Apply the following changes to the victim’s original profile: +10 S, -10 A, -10 WP, replace Int score with 10, no BS or Fel, +5 Wounds. A Warp Zombie loses access to all Skills and Talents. It gains the following Traits: Consume Life*, Dark Sight, Fear 1, From Beyond, Natural Weapons, Unhallowed **, Unnatural Toughness (x2), Walking Dead***. The body of a Warp Zombie will decompose over time, depending on climatic conditions. Feeding via the Consume Life Trait slows the rate of decomposition.
*For every sentient, living creature the Warp Zombie kills it immediately recovers 1d5 lost Wounds (this cannot take it above its starting total).
**Weapons with the Holy/Consecrated quality ignore this creature’s Unnatural Toughness Trait.
***An animated corpse, propelled into life by dark forces is, as might be imagined, quite difficult to ‘kill’. These creatures do not need to breathe; they do not tire and are immune to poisons and diseases, as well as many environmental hazards. They do not suffer the effects of being Stunned or penalties for being injured. In addition, only Critical Wounds suffered to the Head or Body can destroy them- any damage suffered to the Arm or Leg simply renders that limb useless.
The following is an example of the Warp Zombie ‘template’ applied to a typical Imperial citizen:
WS: 20 BS: - S: 40 T (6) 30 A: 20 INT: 10 PER: 30 WP: 20 FEL: -
MOVE: 2/4/6/-
TRAITS: Consume Life (see above), Dark Sight, Fear 1, From Beyond, Natural Weapons (Claw/Bite), Unhallowed (see above), Unnatural Toughness (x2), Walking Dead (see above).
ARMOUR: None, or whatever was worn at the time of reanimation.
WEAPONS: Bite/Claw (1d10+4 R; Primitive) or Improvised Weapon (1d10+2 I; Primitive).
GEAR: None, or whatever was carried at the time of reanimation (although the Warp Zombie no longer knows how to use any items carried except as an Improvised Weapon).
Now I wanna see one fight a DW Blood Angel:
Blood Angel: "I have you now, filthy xenos!"
Nostrafex: "Don't seeee mee!"
Blood Angel: "I see trough your deception! For Sanguinius!"
Nostrafex: "Hisss!"
Now I wanna see one fight a DW Blood Angel:
Blood Angel: "I have you now, filthy xenos!"
Nostrafex: "Don't seeee mee!"
Blood Angel: "I see trough your deception! For Sanguinius!"
Nostrafex: "Hisss!"
I was wondering if DW Chaplains/Sanguinary Priests/and/or Wolf Priests could harm a Nostrafex or not w/ a Rosarii/Wolf Amulet or not as "True Faith" (as far as I know of) is not a trait in DW.
Edited by Brother MalachaiNot sure really, I'd allow it for a Red Grail wielded by a sanguinary priest. the whole cup holding the blood of Sanguius things makes it far holier than the standard rosarius. (And as Donald Duck proved: knocking vilains out with the holy grail is awesome!)
Edited by Robin GravesNot sure really, I'd allow it for a Red Grail wielded by a sanguinary priest. the whole cup holding the blood of Sanguius things makes it far holier than the standard rosarius. (And as Donald Duck proved: knocking vilains out with the holy grail is awesome!)
Don't want to stray too far off the subject, but when did Donald do that?
He chose...wisely.
Best use of a holy artifact... EVER!
Vampires - as per Kodex Gräuel
The fiend known since ancient days as the Vampire was thought to be at first myth due to the primitive mindset of our ancestors past - instances of this hoary fiend are few and far between, rather the Vampire has been used to explain facets of the human experience not fully understood by man. It is in this way that the knowing of this predator had come to past first in folklore then into legend - unbeknownst to the greater number of man was the fact that these things had harkon upon ancient Terra for epochs uncounted.
The Vampire as it is known is a human who feeds upon the vitae of its own ken - in layman's terms the abhorrent things feed upon blood! Moreover in our experiences and subsequent afforded glories we had come into contact and eventual study of such a thing. For the Vampire is indeed a man but the man itself serves as a vessel for that which dwells within - for the host gives succor to the guest. Upon closer examination and dissection we found those under the throes of Vampirism to hold a symbiot within, something made of flesh without cartilage or bone - its makeup fused with that of the host so where one ends and the other begins we were at a loss to explain. The thing within appears vein-like structures bound together and strewn through the host organs even rooting up into the subjects brain; interesting enough the thing within forms around the heart eventually replacing the organ with itself - it is though the heart first provided nourishment and a medium (not unlike a plant to soil) for the thing to live.
This half-live human host once fully transformed bears no heart beat, is cool to the touch, and interestingly enough bears no reflection. The last symptom of which is thought to be a psychic expression outlayed by the thing within. This connection to the Warp is little understood and we know not why the purposing of which it serves the Vampire - it is speculated that this is merely a byproduct seeping out from a potent psychic form, those old tales speak of these things transforming in mist - and as such it comes to speculate that these fiends truly bear the gifts attributed to them in those old tales!
As for an order or purpose of the Vampire on the greater stage we found none - rather these predators seem to target those with the ability to draw a herd to themselves; the Potentate is fair game for these things...
Edited by MorbidDonDracula 40.000
God, dracula 2000 sucked (pun intended)
But that actualy got me thinking: What if the original dracula (the fictional vampire one) managed to survive into the age of strife and managed to get off world before the Emperor killed him. What if Dracula still exists, lording it over some remote planet of vampires? Maybe he set up home on Barbarus, or on the haunted worlds of the Halo zone beyond the light of the Astronomican.
Maybe he now rules an entire planet of Vampires... or a sub sector...
And then one day an imperial navy vessel or Rogue trader encounters... this:
I'm more of a Count Orlok fan lol
I used to be able to find fluff details of a ghoul like abhuman that often lived on imperial ships but I can't find any details for that particular strain of abhuman any more. I'd like to see them statted up as well.
I used to be able to find fluff details of a ghoul like abhuman that often lived on imperial ships but I can't find any details for that particular strain of abhuman any more. I'd like to see them statted up as well.
I think you are talking about the Ghillam (or something like that), from DH1 's Inquisitor's Handbook . Or their horribly mutated cousins, the Hullghasts (from Creatures Anathema ).
Yes that is them, I think the Ghilliam could be statted out to be something like a combination of Warhammer ghouls (though not quite so obviously as Hullghasts) and Fallout ghouls.
I could see an imperial ship that had reactor damage being entirely crewed by Ghilliam as those strong enough mutated into a form more resistant to the radiation and those that weren't died.
Edited by WeedyGrotDracula 40.000
God, dracula 2000 sucked (pun intended)
But that actualy got me thinking: What if the original dracula (the fictional vampire one) managed to survive into the age of strife and managed to get off world before the Emperor killed him. What if Dracula still exists, lording it over some remote planet of vampires? Maybe he set up home on Barbarus, or on the haunted worlds of the Halo zone beyond the light of the Astronomican.
Maybe he now rules an entire planet of Vampires... or a sub sector...
And then one day an imperial navy vessel or Rogue trader encounters... this:
You wanted a planet of "vampires."