Kodex Gräuel by Amadeus Aumoth is a book that serves as a compilation of various supernatural occurrences, entities, and facts. The binary version is hard to find and is very expensive. Copies of the book have been shown to be available in hardback, paperback, and dataslate. The Kodex often helps the Throne Agents with identifying entities involved in the cases that they take on...
Amadeus Aumoth spent 60 years risking life, limb and sanity to gather true accounts of human encounters with the paranormal. His travels covered many worlds, and his somber, formal style has earned him fame and recognition by those in the know!
The material herein shall serve as a repository for new perils - some may call it a Monster Manual while others know it as a Book of Threats whereas some simply define it as a Bestiary ; whatever distinction you follow know well the foe!
• Colour Out of Space
• The Elder Ones
• The Flying Polyps
• The Great Race of Yith
The Illithid
• The Invid
• The Mi-go
• The Hounds of Tindalos
The Negoi
• The Nosferatu (Vampire)
The Shambler from the Stars
• The Shoggoth
• The Slaan, degenerate (The Deep Ones)
The Space Jockeys
The Valusian
• The
The Yeti (Mutant Human)