Chain of Command + Disney = Canon?

By jediMasterLenny, in Star Wars: The Card Game

I just really wanted to know about the canonicity of FFG stuff. All of this stuff has to be run by a Lucasarts/Disney rep for approval before it is put into the game. This is potentially a very big deal if you have seen the recent force pack's cover art - Grand Admiral Thrawn is sitting smugly in his command chair. I know that this does NOT mean that the Thrawn story is canon, but Disney has said that there will be characters from the "Legends" stuff in the new EU - Mara Jade is rumored to be in Star Wars: Rebels next season (for example).

What do you guys think? Is this canon or not?

Not. A lot of ffg stuff was tested before the canon was wiped clean. If it is not in a novel, show, movie or Marvel comic it is not canon. Thrawn may appear in some form in the canon or he may not. Maybe he will be in Aftermath and or Shattered Empire.

FFG material isn't, no. It's indicative of stuff to be canonised, but it's not canon in of itself.

FFG material isn't, no. It's indicative of stuff to be canonised, but it's not canon in of itself.

Has anyone from FFG officially commented on this?

FFG material isn't, no. It's indicative of stuff to be canonised, but it's not canon in of itself.

Has anyone from FFG officially commented on this?

No nor would they. It's not indicative of stuff to be made canon at all. Don't read too much in to it just enjoy the game.

Pablo Hidalgo talked about the MMO The Old Republic at Star Wars Celebration. It was basically, they are doing their own thing, it's great, and we don't want to step on it. But it isn't canon.

As far as the Story Group is concerned, everything published has to be run past them to make sure it has "the feel" of Star Wars and is true to the brand. You may disagree with some of their criteria, but that's the high-level approach.

But when it makes it into a Movie, TV show, Novel or Comic, then that's all canon.

Also Disney =/= Lucasfilm. Everything produced has to have the ok of Lucasfilm, I doubt Disney (outside of brand managers or the like) has much day to day say in things. From history (best example being Marvel) Disney don't tend to mess about with their brands too much.

Edited by MrDodger

Sorry, to necro this month old thread, I am new to the forums here (one of the L5R crowd), But I wonder, is there eventually going to be a new Star Wars LcG (like the Game of Thrones reboot), that follows the new canon? How will the difference be handled with this game, will episode VII more or less be ignored, simply thrown together with the old canon?

Sorry, to necro this month old thread, I am new to the forums here (one of the L5R crowd), But I wonder, is there eventually going to be a new Star Wars LcG (like the Game of Thrones reboot), that follows the new canon? How will the difference be handled with this game, will episode VII more or less be ignored, simply thrown together with the old canon?

We don't know but if X-wing is anything to go it will be combined. There are no plans to reboot anymore LCGs after AGoT.

We don't know but if X-wing is anything to go it will be combined. There are no plans to reboot anymore LCGs after AGoT.

Or, at least, there are no plans that have been disclosed to the public

We don't know but if X-wing is anything to go it will be combined. There are no plans to reboot anymore LCGs after AGoT.

Or, at least, there are no plans that have been disclosed to the public

And that gives me hope for a new SW:LCG -- perhaps one with a better set of deckbuilding rules that DOES include ONLY stuff that is canon now. I want to be able to play with Kylo Ren and the First Order, man!

We don't know but if X-wing is anything to go it will be combined. There are no plans to reboot anymore LCGs after AGoT.

Or, at least, there are no plans that have been disclosed to the public

And that gives me hope for a new SW:LCG -- perhaps one with a better set of deckbuilding rules that DOES include ONLY stuff that is canon now. I want to be able to play with Kylo Ren and the First Order, man!

Full reboot just to make that happen, not gonna happen. Kylo Ren and the rest will get added in newer cycles. Eventually with rotation and if they stop using Legends material it will eventually be all canon in legal tournament play but I don't see that happening either. There just isn't enough material for that.

I've said this before, but I'm holding out hope that the new movies get put into a stand-alone cooperative card game. You can look at the Warhammer Quest card game to see how that might be done.

Full reboot just to make that happen, not gonna happen. Kylo Ren and the rest will get added in newer cycles. Eventually with rotation and if they stop using Legends material it will eventually be all canon in legal tournament play but I don't see that happening either. There just isn't enough material for that.

For now... give one or two years...

We don't know but if X-wing is anything to go it will be combined. There are no plans to reboot anymore LCGs after AGoT.

Or, at least, there are no plans that have been disclosed to the public

And that gives me hope for a new SW:LCG -- perhaps one with a better set of deckbuilding rules that DOES include ONLY stuff that is canon now. I want to be able to play with Kylo Ren and the First Order, man!

Full reboot just to make that happen, not gonna happen. Kylo Ren and the rest will get added in newer cycles. Eventually with rotation and if they stop using Legends material it will eventually be all canon in legal tournament play but I don't see that happening either. There just isn't enough material for that.

I don't know, that just seems unlikely. I don't really think a company as smart as FFG is going to have the SW card game license and just sit on it until they get to the right cycle for this game. I think we are much more likely to get a new Star Wars card game that uses the new stuff - but sometime in December 2015 or January 2016. This IP license is just too expensive to not utilize the new characters that are sure to be white hot at the end of this year. Just look at how quickly the new toys are selling out - over and over. Sitting on it and not releasing a game would be wasteful. And before anyone says, "But releasing a terrible game would be even worse" I have full faith in FFG at this point to release a good game. Given the veil of secrecy around The Force Awakens they probably just can't say anything yet.

We don't know but if X-wing is anything to go it will be combined. There are no plans to reboot anymore LCGs after AGoT.

Or, at least, there are no plans that have been disclosed to the public

And that gives me hope for a new SW:LCG -- perhaps one with a better set of deckbuilding rules that DOES include ONLY stuff that is canon now. I want to be able to play with Kylo Ren and the First Order, man!

Full reboot just to make that happen, not gonna happen. Kylo Ren and the rest will get added in newer cycles. Eventually with rotation and if they stop using Legends material it will eventually be all canon in legal tournament play but I don't see that happening either. There just isn't enough material for that.

I don't know, that just seems unlikely. I don't really think a company as smart as FFG is going to have the SW card game license and just sit on it until they get to the right cycle for this game. I think we are much more likely to get a new Star Wars card game that uses the new stuff - but sometime in December 2015 or January 2016. This IP license is just too expensive to not utilize the new characters that are sure to be white hot at the end of this year. Just look at how quickly the new toys are selling out - over and over. Sitting on it and not releasing a game would be wasteful. And before anyone says, "But releasing a terrible game would be even worse" I have full faith in FFG at this point to release a good game. Given the veil of secrecy around The Force Awakens they probably just can't say anything yet.

They won't be creating a whole new card game anymore than they made a whole new X-Wing game. If they did it would not be a LCG and would be a game more like Empire vs Rebellion.

I would definitely hope for an expansion for the LCG that ties into the new film, but a new LCG has a significant downside to me - spliting the playerbase. Either support for the classic era LCG ends, or we have people split between two similar but incompatible games.

I see no reason why this game should be enslaved to canonicity. Not only would it alienate the current player base only a couple years into the game's existence, there's really no reason to do so. This is a card game, not an ongoing story being told. Not to mention, there is very little material in the new canon to draw from.

We have the final Dark Horse Darth Maul miniseries before the comics switched to marvel, which was on the list with the new writer group. We have half a dozen novels (and about a dozen kids' chapter books). We have one upcoming video game. We have the films, and we have the Clone Wars and Rebels cartoons. In terms of content, there's just not a whole lot of variety, tbh. Not yet.

Also, never forget the Caravan of Courage!