Unfinished Business + Heroes and Legends

By The Gas, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

Do I have this right?

1. Powerful main is in discard pile

2. Another copy is in hand

3. Unfinished Business to bring copy from discard pile into play

4. Strike (optional)

5. Heroes and Legends to swap copies, with all the usual benefits that brings (e.g. clear focus, trigger leaves/enters play effects, etc.

6. Powerful main now stays in play, as it is no longer the copy that was brought back by Unfinished Business

You have it right.

That's really cool then.

Why does it stay in play? It doesn't say the 'card' it says, " If that unit is still in play at the end of the phase, discard it." If you use this with Yoda, for another Yoda, that is the same unit. Do we have an official ruling from FFG on this?

Why does it stay in play? It doesn't say the 'card' it says, "If that unit is still in play at the end of the phase, discard it." If you use this with Yoda, for another Yoda, that is the same unit. Do we have an official ruling from FFG on this?

We do have official ruling on this. While there is still a copy of Yoda in play at the end of the phase, it is not the same unit as that unit left play already (returned to hand) and then a new copy of Yoda entered play. Thus, when Unfinished Business checks at the end of the phase, the unit it put into play is no longer in play and it doesn't discard anything.

Can H&L be used to rescue a captured card? Or because it is captured is it no longer "under *your* control."

Can H&L be used to rescue a captured card? Or because it is captured is it no longer "under *your* control."

Not only is the captured card not under your control, it is also not in play. H&L cannot interact with captured cards.