St. Louis Metro Meta

By Shikaku, in Organized Play


I've been building player groups and playing A Game of Thrones since its CCG days.

I am going to be starting a group in the St. Louis Metro area, likely using Game Nite as our home store for now.

If you are interested in joining the group, feel free to message me on this site and I'll get you the group contact info... or check out the Game Nite website for when we meet.

Hope to game with you soon,



We are officially meeting at Game Nite on Saturday Nights around 7pm.

We will be playing Joust and Melee games for those interested in joining us.

The store closes at 11pm.

Hi, I'm interested in coming up to this event. How many players do you usually get or expect to get to these?


We are now playing two nights a week, in 2 separate locations!!

Wednesday Nights @ Wizard Wagon in the Delmar Loop -- gaming starts around 5pm and will run until we are kicked out (sometime after the store closes).

Saturday Nights @ Game Nite -- gaming starts around 7pm and will run until we are kicked out (sometimes between 10 and 11pm).

All are welcome to join us on one or both evenings.

We have several players attending both locations.

Players are of all skill levels (beginner to expert).

We also actively teach the game to parties interested in checking it out while at the game store, but haven't pulled the trigger on buying the core yet.

Hey. Myself and my brother are interested in playing. Do you guys still meet up at Game Nite on Saturday nights? If so, let me know. We would love to join you.


Still playing two nights a week but have consolidated to one location.

Wizard Wagon on Delmar in the Loop.

Gaming starts around 4:30 and continues until they shut the lights off well after closing.

We have seen an uptick in interest in the game and continue to welcome players of all skill levels to join us.

If you want to learn the game before buying in, come by and watch and/or learn.

Hope to see you there!