Boston, MA Group

By cml, in Organized Play

Hello all,

For anyone coming into 2nd edition who is in the Boston area and looking for a playgroup, there's an established group of players from the first edition that will be happy to welcome new people. We have a Facebook group and a Google group for organizing meetups - send me a message here and I can get you invites to either.

In addition to the normal tournaments and organized play, we hope to do some demo days on launch.

I live in Littleton MA and will be joining with 2.0. I also have a very small playgroup as well. I'd love to get more info about your group.

I would love to join a Boston area group. Never played first edition but just ordered some 2nd edition core set and am ready to find some people to play with.

I'm down on Cape Cod. Never played First Edition, but thought this would be a good entry point into the game. Anybody playing in SE Mass.?

Where on the Cape? I find myself in the Orleans area every once in a while.

We will be playing this Thursday night at Relentless Dragon in Nashua, NH

Down in southern Massachusetts and would love more info about the Boston group.

I would also like to join in the Google Group and get around to playing some games in this area.

Messages sent.

If anyone else is in the New England area, let us know! Boston folks often travel to other stores when they have events, and we pull people in from as far as NYC and sometimes DC for our big events, so it's a good way to meet more of the Thrones community.