Two copies of each Mumbad cycle data pack?

By mrSlush50, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Delete please. :-)

Edited by mrSlush50

Do the math on the very line you quoted. Sixty cards per pack. Nineteen different cards. So, what, you think they're going to include 3.15789473~ copies per card? No, of course not. It's going to be 3 copies of 18 cards and 6 copies of a 19th card. " A complete playset" of a consumer-grade card would be six copies.

Edited by Grimwalker

Beat me to the punch Grim. There's absolutely no way FFG are going to gouge people like that. Without opening the age-old Core Set debate again, the expansions to LCGs have been full playsets now for a LONG time, and will remain that way. It would be a backwards step to do anything else.

Sweet. Embarrassed to have messed up the math so badly. Happy to be wrong.

I assumed they meant, 20 cards in the pack, 19 of which will be complete.

Edited by mrSlush50

I must admit I was quite worried about having to potentially pick up two packs for a consumer-grade play-set and eventually the penny dropped about the 19 (instead of the regular 20) unique cards per pack when reading the article.

Questions are good, better to ask and acquire knowledge than be left pondering in the dark.

I am not sure consumer grade items will be fully splashed in many decks. After all runners have a great access to searching their stack with Special Order and SMC. But even better access to their heap with clone chips. In many decks I am finding a full splash of 3 cards to be rather rare for the runner side. Also 2x more cards means 2x more influence spend for out of faction splash. For a 2 influence 6 card splash that would be 12 pips of influence to splash.

I understand FFG is trying to change things to avoid a stale meta but other than new cards I really don't see how consumer grade will change things that much.

In-faction brain/net protection for Anarch? Which also puts things in my heap where I can Clone Chip/Retrieval Run/Deva Vu/Same Old Thing them? I'll take some!

With BMI 550, Sacrificial Clone, and I've Had Worse, Anarch is rapidly becoming the faction with the most in-faction resilience to kill shots. Their methods are all raggedy as heck, but what do you want for cheating death?

With BMI 550, Sacrificial Clone, and I've Had Worse, Anarch is rapidly becoming the faction with the most in-faction resilience to kill shots. Their methods are all raggedy as heck, but what do you want for cheating death?

Shaper has some with feedback filter and net shield. Criminal has fall guy and leverage.

With BMI 550, Sacrificial Clone, and I've Had Worse, Anarch is rapidly becoming the faction with the most in-faction resilience to kill shots. Their methods are all raggedy as heck, but what do you want for cheating death?

Shaper has some with feedback filter and net shield. Criminal has fall guy and leverage.

Fall Guy isn't damage protection. Did you mean Crash Space maybe?

With BMI 550, Sacrificial Clone, and I've Had Worse, Anarch is rapidly becoming the faction with the most in-faction resilience to kill shots. Their methods are all raggedy as heck, but what do you want for cheating death?

Shaper has some with feedback filter and net shield. Criminal has fall guy and leverage.

Fall Guy isn't damage protection. Did you mean Crash Space maybe?

Possibly, I am not that experience at criminal. Doesn't fall guy prevent tags? That is sort of like damage control.

With BMI 550, Sacrificial Clone, and I've Had Worse, Anarch is rapidly becoming the faction with the most in-faction resilience to kill shots. Their methods are all raggedy as heck, but what do you want for cheating death?

Shaper has some with feedback filter and net shield. Criminal has fall guy and leverage.

Fall Guy isn't damage protection. Did you mean Crash Space maybe?

Possibly, I am not that experience at criminal. Doesn't fall guy prevent tags? That is sort of like damage control.

Fall guy prevents resource trashing. Decoy is the card you're thinking of, though Crash Space and Muresh Bodysuit offer actual meat damage protection :)

Hey, don't forget Monolith! Auto include if there ever was one.

Hey, don't forget Monolith! Auto include if there ever was one.

My favourite console! Need to update my Professorlith deck actually...

Hey, don't forget Monolith! Auto include if there ever was one.

My favourite console! Need to update my Professorlith deck actually...

First turn 1st click Day job and spend all clicks.

Second turn 1st click Sure Gamble

2nd click sure gamble

3rd click diesel

4th click install MONOLITH and hope you got 3 programs to install too.

Edited by Marinealver