The Quill & Tankard Regulars return! - Article series on rules and timing issues

By Ratatoskr, in General Discussion

I'm a tad late posting this, admittedly, but Quill & Tankard Regulars, our article series on rules and timing issues, has made the switch to 2nd edition. The first three issues are already up, and issue 4 should follow shortly.

These four issues offer a preview on 2.0 rules and what the most important changes are compared to 1.0, accompanied by exclusive spoilers. Well, they were at the time. ;)


Quill & Tankard Regulars - Out with the Old, in with the... Old?

Issue 1: Seen in Flames - Reactions and Challenge Resolution

Issue 2: Seen in Flames - Attachments, Duplicates and Setup

Issue 3: Seen in Flames - Phase Structure

Issue 4: Seen in Flames - Interrupts, Cancels and Saves

I will try and update this thread when new issues are released. Links to all issues can also be found here . If you're looking for the first series, that covered AGoT LCG 1st edition, you'll find links to all issues here .

Edited by Ratatoskr

Super helpful in wrapping my head around the changes between 1.0 and 2.0.

Endless thanks for this. Well done!

Just to agree, thank you for the work in breaking down the game! I'm thrilled to be on the ground floor for the launch and look forward to future issues as this thing finally gets released.

Thanks for the kind words, guys. We're already working on the next issue.