I always wanted this to happen but not sure if it can be done.
Would you like the idea or you already have Blood Bowl Team Manager.
It would be so amazing to have FFG do this.
I have been working on making my own card game for BB.
A Universal BB playmat and 24 Blood Bowl teams,
Player cards:
Each deck no more than 24 unique player cards for each team/faction
Neutral cards:
and add to it some neutral cards which they can be hired in any team.
Mercenaries for hire cards to play for your team. (12 cards per deck limit)
Support cards:
Cheerleaders for each team, Stadium cards for each team giving certain home field advantage but one card for each game.
Coaches, Doctor, TV crew. Fans…(12 cards per deck limit)
Stadium Cards and Trophy cards:
Stadium cards (one card limit for each game). one trophy card for each tournament granting unique rewards for participating and awarding points for finishing top 3.
Star player cards:
self explains (2 cards per deck).
Total cards per deck 50 cards.
I have already made some rough copy of what the cards should be and I made some abilities for each player cards.
each player card has:
Movement, Offence and defence value`s and the cost to play the card and the special ability text for each card.
It is only 2 player though, 1 vs 1.
I have been playing with these cards with my friends and although they lack any art, we play and have total fun.
I worked on this little over 2+ years.
each game only lasts 15-18 minutes and you can create your own tournament consist of 4 and more teams and have a quick trophy event
do you think I should submit it to FFG or will they laugh at me
Edited by jr1984sub