Fanning The (ifrit) flames

By rakashan, in Talisman Rules Questions

I was playing the game with soem friends this past weekeend and in the inner region there is a space where you roll a dice and face that many Ifrits(SP?) with a strength of 4. I rolled a 4, so does this mean you have to fight an enemy with a combined strenght of 16 or would I fight 4 battles of 4? I only ask because I was always lead to believe that when you encounter 2 or more enemies that have the same stat (strenght or craft) when they fight you, combine the the stat for a total. does that not apply in this case?

Roll one die and fight that many Pitfiends with Strength 4 each one-by-one until either you are defeated or you defeat all the Pitfiends.

You may move on the turn after all Pitfiends are defeated.