Faith Powers in DH2?

By pearldrum1, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Hey all,

forgive me if this has been addressed previously. My GM is converting our DH1 game to DH2 and I am currently playing a Sister Hospitaller with the Pure Faith talent.

My question is has anyone converted the Faith Talents to the DH2 system? What we are currently thinking of doing is having them be available at their set price listed in the Blood of Martyrs supplement and calling it a day. That is fine with me, but if someone else has experience with it, anecdotes to how it worked out in your campaign, or anything else relating to it I would love to hear it.


Hmm, didn't Enemies Within have a DH2 version of the Sororitas and their Faith talents?

A version which seems to be closer to the original interpretation (GW codices + DH1 Inquisitor's Handbook) than the "space magic" in Blood of Martyrs, too. Whoever among the designers was responsible for reverting this change in portrayal, thanks.

Can you give me a page number to reference? I used the Sororitas package there but I didn't see any faith powers that went along with it.

I'm sorry, I do not yet have it myself and was referring solely to what I heard from other players on this forum. :ph34r:

However, I'm sure it's just a matter of time until someone who can name a page stumbles into this thread. Or you give me 1-2 days until I can hunt down the GM of my BC game, as I recall he had that book as well!

There aren't any faith powers ala Holy Witchcraft. The Sororitas Talents in Enemies Within allow for your FAITH in the EMPEROR to empower your BEST BUDDIES. And that's your lot, Sororitas aint dirty witches.

Thanks, that is really helpful and totally in line with what I was originally asking.


Edit: As I recall, the talents are only for Battle Sisters Elite Advance. At least, that is how I read it and I could have misread it. Since I am playing a Sororitas Chirurgeon, I didn't think I was eligible to take any of the new talents.

Edited by pearldrum1

Re-read the talents and it is very specific that they are for the Elite Battle Sister career path ONLY. So, that does me no good.

Ah, so much for that -- apologies for the misleading advice. :(

Still, perhaps you could rework the DH1 talents into DH2, by taking the talents in Enemy Within as inspiration both in effect as well as XP cost? And of course, wherever possible substitute abilities/bonuses/mechanics from the DH2 books. The end result may feel more like a part of the game, and might be somewhat more "futureproof" for an easier transition if and when FFG ever gets around to "updating" the Hospitaller as well.

Yeah, I do believe that is going to be the route we might have to take. Either way, it will give me some interesting options/build ideas for my "Sister Hospitaller."

Thanks, Lyn.

The Sister of Battle Canoness Reinforcement Character on page 296 of the Core Rulebook has some Faith Talents that you could see if your GM would permit you to have access to if this is something you're still looking at.

Unfortunately, he is looking for Faith Talents suitable for a Hospitaller -- a Healer-type Sister.

Combat-oriented Acts of Faith are also present in Enemies Within, the same DH2 supplement that contains the rules for the role he is playing. And I'd argue they are much batter than the "space magic" version in the core rulebook.

If I had to improvise, I would suggest "inspiration"-based Acts of Faith. Essentially making the patient believe that their injuries are not as severe, and being so convincing that placebo effect will actually have them regenerate Wounds. However, since it's a placebo effect, the target character will suffer the same amount of "healed" Wounds again once the current encounter ends. Essentially, it'd be a way to cheat at first aid, healing only a little but acting as if everything is alright again, and sending the patient back into battle like that. ;)

For a more complicated version, the patient could roll Willpower at the end of the encounter, and depending on the result he will suffer more or fewer Wounds than the original "pseudo heal", representing the character either suffering the consequences of overtaxing their body, or being so inspired by the Hospitaller that they'll permanently ignore part of the injury (effectively making it a true heal, if only partially).

That being said, I'm sure some of the Battle Sister Acts of Faith might also be useful for a Hospitaller. You may have to whip up your own Hospitaller Elite Advance to add them, but at least 50% could be copied from the Battle Sister one.