The Underway

By DukeWellington, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

The under where?

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Still looking for it on this map.


You won't find it. The Underway, like all of the SanSan cycle, is in SanSan, not New Angeles.

You won't find it. The Underway, like all of the SanSan cycle, is in SanSan, not New Angeles.

I guess there was no SanSan expansion then?

You won't find it. The Underway, like all of the SanSan cycle, is in SanSan, not New Angeles.

I guess there was no SanSan expansion then?

There weren't any expansions for Android :( quite the shame.

Unless you count the promo cards than you can get by buying the novels.

You won't find it. The Underway, like all of the SanSan cycle, is in SanSan, not New Angeles.

I guess there was no SanSan expansion then?

There weren't any expansions for Android :( quite the shame.

Unless you count the promo cards than you can get by buying the novels.

Android the board game never took off. And I can see why, it's an awkward ***** of a game at the best of times. It was really really innovative but some of its mechanics are too clunky. The Twilight card system is confusing as all get-out, pinning guilt on the suspects makes it feel like a frame job, and there's a weird tension created by switching back and forth between playing your own character and playing "the whims of fate" against the other players that is hard for players to grok.

I really wish they'd make a 2nd edition.

  • Do away with all the Point-value chits and just use a points-track like Lords of Waterdeep or Castles of Mad King Ludwig.
  • Put all the guilt face down on the suspects, then reveal a piece whenever a clue is used.
  • Just have a deck with location names, and draw the next location where clues move to--eliminate all the dithering and indecision of making another player analyze where best to drop the next clue.
  • Find some other way to track and explain Dark/Light shifts.

The Android Board game:

+Cool concept, interesting theme

-Does not play the way you think it does and its a confusing, drawn out game. If it actually had some deduction elements like you would think in a Noir style game, it might be one of the best games out there. But in the end, its just a "find a way to get all the points" game and does not really utilize its theme in the best way possible.

It's a polarizing game to be sure. I personally love it, but if you're after a game of deducation, this is not that. You need to be able to separate character knowledge from player knowledge to get the most out of it I feel.

I can see where other FFG games like Arkham Horror originated from. Kind of almost a mirror theme with "investigators" running around the map. It would be nice if there was a little bit more deduction other than get the points however I do think mechanics like needing to gather enough evidence even though you already know who is guilty in order to get the warrant and make the arrest would be nice. It would also be cool if there were some elements that put the detectives in danger to make it more of a cyberpunk film-noir type game.