Need help building a tinkerer type character.

By Shin5287, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

I'm going to be running a game in the near future and one of my player characters wants to play a tinkerer. She wants to make small for fun automatons to play with as well as turrets and such. Is there a any in built system for this or does anyone have any suggestions on how to work this.

Only thing I can think of is Gemini(Not sure if this is the right one) I believe from the Dominus Exxet. The Impossible Weapon Fighting Style with Puppets. I'm sure you could figure out a way to use that for what she has in mind.

cdcace hit the nail on the head.

You could also give her ancient blood to give her access to the Machine, and all the related tech.

Wouldn't say give her access to the Machine as that is an actual monster type in the monster book, say gives her access to lost technology/tech.

Gemini seems like a good idea for her combat constructs. I'm thinking of letting her have the smaller "pet" things at just a material and craft roll. Any input on that?

Also, thanks for the advice.

Edited by Shin5287

As long as they just props and don't really do anything other then mess around with them, I don't see why not. Just make sure they aren't abused, otherwise should probably classify them as actual puppets that she controls.