Maarek Stele on Tie Advanced

By Darth Zilla, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions


Just want to make sure that my understanding is correct on this...

If Maarek Stele is piloting a Tie Advanced then, if that objective is exhausted, the Tie Advanced can destroy an object all by itself - if it went unopposed. Is that correct?

Maarek Stele's card reads: " Enhanced unit deals double damage to exhausted units and objectvies"

So the Tie Advanced has one blast damage - which is doubled by Maarek. The Tie Advanced also has a reaction that states " after this unit survives an unopposed engagement deal 1 damage to the engaged objective" - which the effects would be doubled as well (because it's the unit that is still doing the damaging effect).

Then you have standard unopposed bonus which brings the total damage being dealt to 5.

Am I right on this or does Maarek Stele's effect only play into combat icons?

thanks everyone!

I could be wrong, but I do not believe the reaction damage would get doubled by Maarek Stele's ability. So you would only have 4 total damage.

As long as the engaged objective is exhausted, I don't see why not. This is similar to the Executor ruling where the Executor can do double damage with this pilot.

I don't think the "survive the engagement unopposed" damage gets doubled.

The text reads: " after this unit survives an unopposed engagement deal 1 damage to the engaged objective" not "[...] it [the unit] deals 1 damage to the engaged objective. "

If it was the Tie Advanced itself that dealt the extra damage (which would be phrased as "it deals damage", just like the effect of Chewbacca ) then Maarek Stele would double it.

But the way the effect of Tie Advanced is phrased, it reads the same as a Target of Opportunity : the damage is just dealt.

I would still have to argue that it gets doubled. The Executor has already been confirmed to work as double damage and it reads in a very similar way as this Tie Advanced:

Executor: 1 damage to a target enemy unit or objective.

TIE Advanced: 1 damage to the engaged objective.

I can't see the difference here.

I would still have to argue that it gets doubled. The Executor has already been confirmed to work as double damage and it reads in a very similar way as this Tie Advanced:

Executor: 1 damage to a target enemy unit or objective.

TIE Advanced: 1 damage to the engaged objective.

I can't see the difference here.

I can't seem to find the confirmation you are referring to