Question: Low Water and Fire

By drgabe, in Red November

Simple, and probably covered in the rules, but I am full of Grog.

If a room is at low water and a fire starts, what happens?

- Nothing. No fire.

- Fire plus low water. (water is hip deep, but all the stuff on the shelves are on fire).

- Something different?


I've always played it as no fire but if things aren't very hectic option two would work if you didn't try to think through the situation

It's my knowledge that if there's water in a room, it can't be on fire. By the game logic, redirecting water into a room will put out a fire, and set it at low water.

If there is water in the room, then you do not place a fire token. And if you open a door to a room flooded to high water connecting to a room on fire, both rooms will go to low water and the fire will go out.

However, if you draw a card that places a fire in a room and there is water in the room, even though you do not place a fire token, you still move the Asphyxiation marker up the track as usual.

DarkPrimus said:

However, if you draw a card that places a fire in a room and there is water in the room, even though you do not place a fire token, you still move the Asphyxiation marker up the track as usual.

I don't think that's actally correct. The rules state that:

If the room selected is already fooded, no new fire starts.
If a non-fooded room is selected, the Asphyxiation Track increases by one.

I believe that if there is water in a room the asphyxiation marker does not move.

which makes sense b/c there's no fire eating your air

Thanks all for the clarification. Its nice to know that I have been playing it right.