Hello guys and gals,
It's been a long time since I posted (let alone played) anything, so first - Hi! Yes, I kinda quietly disappeared from the game for a while, and there were multiple reasons why. For one, I have been very busy with school, work, play, and travel for the last 9 months, and that kept me away from all manner of hobbies and things. Second, I was a little burnt out on OOFS, and the state of the game at the start of this year was not very enticing. Third, my local UFS meta was problematic at best. You all know what I'm talking about, but let me discuss this more from my angle.
Chris Kovaz, aka scubadude, was my teammate and primary local tester, among other things. However, he was also not the most, er, adjusted individual. He was socially awkward at best, seriously aggravating at worst. I got him into the game, got him into tournament shape and defended his many detractors for a long time - until I myself couldn't bear it. I do feel partially responsible for introducing this chaotic element into an already unstable UFS mix, and for that and the harm it caused our local and overall community I sincerely apologize. I do NOT, though, share Mr. Kovaz' disposition, personality attributes or aggressive posturing (as many of you hopefully already know, or recall). For that, he can comment on if he ever wishes. Otherwise, good wishes and good riddance.
So, that's that. And I've missed you guys, really! I've missed conversations with the regulars, even if I don't always agree. I've missed talking to the "pros" and good friends like James, Omar, UFS House. I wish I had gone to Worlds even this year, just to hang. I missed the quirky personalities and hilarious comments of Team Tapout, the ATL and NYC crews. I miss the stifling competition that Michigan always provides. I miss the fun times in Wisconsin, in one of my best trips ever. I really really miss the atmosphere of a big tournament. Most of all, I miss writing, and getting responses on those writings.
I've been keeping my ear to the ground, and now it seems that UFS is back on the right track. James and Steve have done the most drastic but sorely needed medicine. As I said, when I left the game was not fun. The last tournament I played in, last year's SAS, I won with two absurd decks that had all manner of control across three resources (Athena) and just murdered opponents quick (Evil Zi Mei). After that, from what I'm told and what I've read, the state of the game became even worse. Bannings weren't enough, and an overhaul was needed. I agree, and am glad it has occured.
So glad, in fact, that I have decided to re-enter the game, in some capacity at least. Locally I don't know how active I will be, but I've read about the PTC and think it's a fantastic idea. And what do you know, the first event is in my backyard, the South Arena Showdown in Fort Myers. And, I happen to be defending champion. So to all those coming, I promise I WILL be there. Whether I play in singles and teams or not, after such a long layoff, I have yet to decide. But I want to re-connect with all of you and think this is the perfect chance. So, please, come on down and I look forward to seeing you all, again or for the first time (I'm looking at you, ATL!). And you might even catch me at the tables, probably gettting my ass kicked. Well, at least I have 2 weeks to crash-course myself in all things OOFS again, maybe it won't be so bad...
...but if so, then get your licks in early, because I'm back to bring da ruckus. Peace! :-)