3 newbie questions

By smpinyuri, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

i couldnt find any specific responses to this, please bear with me

1. can each of my cities perform a different city action during city management. Eg one city harvests resources and my other city devotes to the arts

2. can you stack army figures in a city as part of your defence (according to stack limit). if not do you defend city with only three units

3. When attacking barbarian village with more than one stacked army figure do i still fight them with three units

i couldnt find any specific responses to this, please bear with me

1. can each of my cities perform a different city action during city management. Eg one city harvests resources and my other city devotes to the arts

2. can you stack army figures in a city as part of your defence (according to stack limit). if not do you defend city with only three units

3. When attacking barbarian village with more than one stacked army figure do i still fight them with three units

1) yes - Each city performs it's own action.

2) No - Figures do not defend cities and army figures cannot go in cities. You draw 3 cards from your standing units, add +2 cards for defending city, and another other bonus according to the rules.

3) According to the combat rules: for each army draw 3 random standing units adding +2 for each banner of yours in the battle.

A correction to eagletsi111's answer to number two. You actually draw three units plus an additional three units when defending a city. So, at a minimum you can have six cards (if you had that many in your standing forces).

In addition, if you have the Fame and Fortune expansion, you are allowed to disband a figure on a city, which allows you to discard an army figure and put a fortification marker on the city. This will give your city an additional two combat points. Likewise, you could do the same with a scout which will give you an additional two production. You can only have one marker on each city, but it stays there until used.

Yep, sorry 3 more for a city. I was thinking a banner token.

Thanks for correcting me.