Recently, I bought 2 warhammer conquest core set.
But, my english is so fool, so I don't know some rule. and how to find this rules.
1. If i have 'soaring falcon' and at the begining of the combat phase 'soaring falcon' move to adjacent planet, is it exausted?
2. at the deckbuilding checklist, 'The 8 cards from the chosen warlord's signature squad(mandatory)' -> Does it mean that I can have more signature card? (ex: if i choose chaos, can i have 8 zarathur's famers cards?)
3. does deploy action(ex: exterminatus) mean that it can only be used at the deploy phase?
4. if my warlord is bloodied, does it have its abillity? i mean if i play nazdreg and it become blooded, it loose brutal. am i right?
5. is it possible to double brutal? for example, enraged ork with nazderg at the same planet, can it have double brutal?
(i mean 1 damage become 2 ATK.)
6. when i use ork kannon, 1 indirect damage means that each player choose a unit and deal 1 damge. am i right?
7. when i use ork kaanon, Does 'target a planet' mean being battle planet? or Can i use this action to not being battle planet(non first planet, and planets where each player's warlord doesn't exist)?
8. warlord's 'each other' means other units and it self. am i right?
(ex: Can Nazdreg apply to brutal?)
please answer me as soon as possible. i can't wait to playing this game. i'm looking for answer.