easy noob questions about card/game mechanics

By jdub878, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

So I am new to the game and have a few easy questions about how some cards work.

1: freelancer " play only if the runner is tagged, Trash up to 2 resources"

-So im assuming this is trashing the runners resource correct? or is this to trash my own resource for some reason?

2: city surveillance " when the runners turn begins give the runner 1 tag unless he or she pays 1 credit"

-Can I have more than one of these active to incur 2 or more tags or credits?

3: Same question as above for Dedicated Response Team . " If the runner is tagged, Dedicated response team gains 'whenever a succesful run ends, do 2 meat damage'"

4: is adding advancement tokens the same as advancing a card?

5: Tech Startup states you can search and reveal an asset from RnD and install it. do you have to pay install costs? it doesnt specify either to pay or not

thanks ahead of time for the help

Edited by jdub878

1. Only runners have cards with the card type "Resource."

2. Yes. Each card activates independently.

3. Same answer. Furthermore, if the runner runs on an installed Snare!, and you Rez two of these after they've committed to accessing, it's essentially a guaranteed flatline.

4. No. Certain card effects can place tokens, usually stipulated as being on cards that can be advanced. "Advancing a card," though, means you are taking a click action to spend a credit and place the token.

5. Assets don't generally have install costs. I can't think of any instance where they would. Subsequent layers of ice beyond the first do have install costs, so typically card effects will say "ignoring all costs" if ice is a card type they can interact with.

Edited by Grimwalker

1-4 have been pretty much answered. I think I'll just clarify on 5. Assets don't generally cost anything to install. You simply install them face down and it is pretty much an inactive asset. The cost for assets is in rezzing them. Generally as long as they don't cost any clicks to rez (and they usually don't) you can rezz them any time as long as you have the credits. Now assets tend to have 2 costs. The cost to rez (top left) and the cost to trash (which is usually what the runner pays to trash an asset).