Possible to play solo or via an online helper?

By chipset35, in Warhammer: Diskwars

So many great games and I have no one to play with.


Below is a link to previous post from the forums here. It contains a description of vassal, which a popular option for online play, and should help you get set up if you choose to go that route.


As for solo play, I do that all the time to test builds or to just get in a game when I really need to get my fix and nobody is around to play with me. I just try to move both armies "impartially" to make sure there is no favoritism, and I select a command card for one of the armies and then randomize the card from the other army. This isn't perfect by any means, but it works out fine and gives me a rough idea of the effectiveness of the armies in question.

It also helps if you put up a giant mirror across the table from you and draw on a huge black mustache and an eye-patch or a fine hat. Look in the mirror and, presto: Evil You is there! I can never beat evil me; it seems the bastard always knows my next move...

If you co-ordinate on BGG we could probably get some games going on Vassal. There is a disk wars module (which also contains some user made factions and disks).


Edited by chipset35


Board Game Geek. It's a website that many of us visit frequently that features summaries and forums for pretty much any game you can imagine. Tabletop minis and card games are also featured there, not just board games.

It has a good community, and there are many creative and interesting ideas floating around on there. It is fairly easy to schedule a game on vassal there, as well.

Head over and check it out!

Will do thanks for the heads up!