Diskwars Vassal Module

By Velensk, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Someone suggested that I should post this here. I don't expect I'll commonly frequent these forums but if you want to contact me you can get to me through Board Game Geek.

A little while ago I took an older module someone made for disk wars and updated it some. I recently released a new version of it. It and the vassal game service can be found here:


It's not quite as nice as playing with the actual pieces in my mind but it does let you play online. There's a thread on BGG for broadcasting that you're looking for a game.

Another thing I am considering for it, is that it could be a means of distributing and testing user made factions and other creations. So if you have a knack for art and have wanted to play a certain faction which may not get into the game (or just want to try your hand at expanding one of the existing ones) I'd definitely consider releasing a second version with quality user made expansions. There's more details on that in the 'New Vassal Module' thread at BGG.

Hope the people here find this useful.

This sounds awesome, how do you open the .mod file?

Apologies I'm not familiar with this format/system but love diskwars..