By Desslok, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

So when I first got EotE, I picked up a set of dice to go with it. Duh. Of course I quickly realized that I would probably need another set, More yellows, more reds would be needed in short order. And then I picked up the EotE beginner set - still figuring out the system, so having a tutorial would be awesome.

A year later, I bag the AoR beginner set. Hey, the EotE one was pretty cool - what the hell.

And now of course I've got the F&D one. And my 4th set of dice. My tiny dice bag is overflowing, damnit! Thank goodness this is the last of the beginner sets. I really dont need another batch. . . .

I'm on my fourth set, having gotten an extra set with Edge of the Empire , and then each Beginner Box.

My solution when I picked up the Force and Destiny box yesterday was to add a Rebellion-branded dice bag for them all. :)

There is ALWAYS another... just what the next boxed set will be however is an entirely different discussion forum!

With the Force and Destiny beginner's box in hand, I have 5 sets of dice, and I haven't even tried jamming the 5th set in my bag yet. However, now my dice are uneven, I'll have to get a 6th set if I want an even number of dice. I think that's a first world gamer problem if there ever was one.

What is this Heresy!?!?!?!?

If your bag is overflowing with four sets of dice, it is not a dice bag. O.o

I use the bag my motorcycle helmet came in for a dice bag at home. This is what I use for a mobile dice bag. Both bags have dice in them at all times, you can never have too many dice. XD

Also, my initial reaction to the thread title was this:

Im sitting at 7 sets now (6 plus an Edge beta sticker set). Not planning on getting any more unless just on a whim. Mine are in a Marvel Comic Star Wars fabric homemade dice bag with zipper. Probably jave room for 3 to five more sets if I get the urge to fill to the brim...

Since i am the keeper of the physical dice for our group, I put them on the table in a repurposed Yatzhee tray.

I am not buying the beginner game unless someone buys the set of dice from me (at a discount) I got a dice cup full of my SW dice, 3 sets... that is more then enough especially when I have the app

I'm now up to six sets with this latest beginner box, I keep them in a fishing lure box - each die type with its own compartment that you can reach into with relative ease even if you have largish hand... well, except for the Challenge dice, that compartment is a little tight.

So it turns out the LEGO Death Star that I use to store my SWFFG dice in can't hold four full sets of dice after all.

Wound up pairing down the number of dice carried a bit to make room. After all, I figure I can do just fine with 5 proficiency, 4 challenge, 6 ability, 6 difficulty, 5 boost, 5 setback, and 4 Force dice, as well as a set of percentiles and a few "chance cubes."

Right now I have my four sets split evenly between my home set and mobile set. Each set has six each of ability and difficulty dice. They have four each of proficiency, boost, and setback dice. Finally they have two each of challenge and force dice.

When I get the next set, I will split all but ability and difficulty dice between the mobile and home sets. This will make my mobile set (the smaller set) have six each of ability, proficiency, difficulty, boost, and setback dice. It will have three each of challenge and force dice.

I wish I could just by challenge and force dice, as I would like to have six of each die for each set.

Does your group have one guy (usually the GM) who provides all the dice, or does everyone bring their own?

When we were doing WFRP 3ed, I owned all the dice, so 4 sets was a godsend.

I provide all the physical dice. I've got 2 players who use the app. My wife started with the app, but has moved to the physical dice lately. As GM, I have started using the app more as it speeds up combat on my part.

Also, my initial reaction to the thread title was this:

You have no idea how much I hate you and love you right now.

Does your group have one guy (usually the GM) who provides all the dice, or does everyone bring their own?

When we were doing WFRP 3ed, I owned all the dice, so 4 sets was a godsend.

One of the players has a couple dice sets that he shares on his end of the table and I share my dice on my end of the table so that way everyone has easy access to dice.

Dice bag overflowing... I don't understand these words. Is that supposed to be English? Seriously though, I now have 4 sets as well which would have been fantastic since I usually share with my entire group. However, all but one of my players have now bought their own dice. So now I loan 2 sets to the odd man out and keep 2 sets for myself which seems to work out pretty well.

Also they are all easily stored in whatever cloth bag used to be on a liquor bottle I currently have on hand. I think it's a Captain Morgan's bag. The Crown Royal bag holds the WFRP dice. (Hmmm, my group may have problems unrelated to role-playing ;-P )

This is less of a problem of too many dice, and more that someone isn't drinking enough Crown Royal.

This is less of a problem of too many dice, and more that someone isn't drinking enough Crown Royal.

One can never drink enough Crown Royal.

The FaD Beginners Game I just bought will be my 9th set of dice. Don't judge me!

This is less of a problem of too many dice, and more that someone isn't drinking enough Crown Royal.

One can never drink enough Crown Royal.


(Subtitle: sells velvety dice bags, free whiskey with every purchase)

This is less of a problem of too many dice, and more that someone isn't drinking enough Crown Royal.

One can never drink enough Crown Royal.

*awesome meme redacted for space*

(Subtitle: sells velvety dice bags, free whiskey with every purchase)

I also used to work in a bar. So, you know, free dice bags and fruit.

well my Force and Destiny had two bags of dice so my told is 11 set of dices.

well my Force and Destiny had two bags of dice so my told is 11 set of dices.

I bow to you, sir.

This is less of a problem of too many dice, and more that someone isn't drinking enough Crown Royal.

One can never drink enough Crown Royal.

I just tried out the Apple Crown with Ginger Ale. Delish.

It's a great opportunity to "rope" a new player in by giving them a set...