Noob, how do pilot cards work?

By Lance2983, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

So I'm really confused on pilot cards. I understand they become enhancements and other posts but I need clarification. So you can use them for enhancements but then what? Some of them have text that says the vehicle gains "stuff" but others have nothing like that. What do those pilots add on? Also what happens when the vehicle dies? Does the pilot remain and stays a pilot on its own? If you have a pilot out and then play a vehicle the next turn can you put the pilot in the vehicle?

If you also know where all these rules are written that would be nice as well.

If the piloted vehicle is destroyed so is its pilot. Enhancements don't remain in play after what they are attached to leave. Unless of course a card says otherwise. The golden rule.

Some vehicles get better when Piloted so the "blank" pilots are still beneficial.

Pilot rules are included in each Rogue squadron pack.

Also worth noting: most Characters with Pilot ability/traits are cheaper when played as a Pilot enhancement on a Vehicle (usually Fighters) and a piloted ship is "protected" from being "hijacked " by some of the new Scum shenanigans