Creature Ability List

By Hoddmimir, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm trying to put together some homebrew creatures and it would be helpful if there was a master list of abilities for enemies somewhere. I can't find it in the books unless I am a complete idiot and I also can't find anything that the community has put together. Can anyone help me with this? I realize I could just make up whatever abilities I want on my own, but for consistency preferences, if there are already abilities worked out I'd love to use as many of them as fit.

I lost this link a few weeks ago. Consider +100 Likes to you XD

That IS helpful and thank you so much for that link, however, it is not what I am looking for. Take for instance the Mynock has the ability Flyer listed as one of it's abilities. Not it's equipment. I need a master list of abilities. But seriously, I am very happy to have this creature weapons list too.

EDIT: Which is also listed on that same site under character abilities. Thank you profusely.

Edited by Hoddmimir


this link above is not working anymore. Somebody has a list of Creature abilities? I'm looking for something like OP does.

55 minutes ago, batboy_hu said:


this link above is not working anymore. Somebody has a list of Creature abilities? I'm looking for something like OP does. was built as a replacement for Viluppo.