Has anyone tried allowing cities to build more than one item per turn

By eagletsi111, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

New Player with question:

I have a city producing 16 build points, but even though my cav were level 1 and costing 5 pts, I was only allowed to build 1 and the other 11 pts are lost, That seems wrong, am I allowed to spend my 11 other points to build something else besides a unit?

I'm wondering if anyone has tried this or am I playing ti wrong?


If you have the Engineering tech researched, you would be able to split one of your cities production into two things. So, you would be able to use your five points for the calvary, then the other eleven could go toward another unit, an army figure, scout, or building. The first level two tech I research is Engineering in about 95% of my games.

Nice! I think I may always go for that from now on too.