selphie + kairi

By comdieguy, in Rules Discussions

so the new selphie and kairi how do they work cause y group has been playing them two different ways and i want to know if wich way is right or if both ways are wrong. my way is that you play the gme first then get the two cards from selphie and the other way is that you get the two cards first then play the game with kairi. and if we are both reading it wrong what is the right way.

If you have both Kairi lvl2 and Selphie on the field, the effect would go like this:

"During your Action Phase, you may draw two cards from your deck. If you do (meaning after you've done so), name a card and reveal the top card of your deck. If the revealed card is the named card, draw it into your hand. If it's not, discard it. Limit once per action phase."

Unless there's some errata in place, that's how the effect should play out.

so is there a tie in between the two were i can play stuff cause this really determines who is better with them pluto or jimmy cricket

ok now that i have them in front of me im reading them different then what i stated earlier. i want to say that selphies last line means that i draw two when i use kairis effect. so it would be guess the top card then if im right draw two if im wrong discard the top. i not sure though some one tell me

devilmonkey said:

"During your Action Phase, you may draw two cards from your deck. If you do (meaning after you've done so), name a card and reveal the top card of your deck. If the revealed card is the named card, draw it into your hand. If it's not, discard it. Limit once per action phase."

The effect of Selphie+Kairi would go exactly like this. First you draw your two cards. Then you name a card, 'n check the top of your deck. If correctly named, it goes into your hand. If incorrectly named, then it goes to the discard pile.

By this effect 'n combo, Mr. J. Cricket is tons better than Mr. Pluto can be.

the effect goes as I said. there is no "pause time" between the drawing of cards and the activation of Kairi's actual effect, so you couldn't play a Pluto beforehand

If there are those that still play Cricket, he would be the prefered choice

so if i use kairi ability and then battle and get rid of her and then play a new one can i use her abaility again caus its a new one or does the once per turn still hang around

You may only use Kairi's effect once per turn, as written on the card.

Once you've used it this turn, no matter how many times you play another Kairi, you can only use the effect once. You may use it again, after your opponent gets their turn, but until then, no more than once.