Meet Gurni Thorgrimson >> A Step-by-Step Example of Character Creation

By ynnen, in WFRP Archived Announcements

One of the cool things about working at Fantasy Flight Games are all the great people I get to work with. Over the course of the design and development cycle of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay , a lot of my fellow FFGers participated in a number of playtests, helping fine-tune the system – as well as having a lot of fun exploring the Old World.

Recently, a group of us started getting together over lunch. The players decided to create new characters from scratch to tackle the campaign. This presented the perfect opportunity to walk folks through the character creation process in detail, which I describe in my latest diary .

Be sure to download the official WFRP character sheet from the article, too, while you're at it!

Now that's what i call an interesting diary entry gran_risa.gif .

Lots of very intersting things in it (and even more questions about some thing I've seen there).
Thank you for that Jay.

And yes, You did drop a spoiler gran_risa.gif .

PS: You still owe us that session demo video lengua.gif

PS2: Looks like I will need more dice... a LOT more (I'm a no sharing GM lengua.gif )... hope to see them sold individually, cause the packs we are supposed to buy are a LAUGH.

I really dig the character information on the back of the career sheet. I wouldn't have easily thought up a good campaign plot for a dockworker, but with the great adventure Ideas provided I could easily see writing up a series of adventures.

what are the little white squares next to the diamond charateristic boxes for?

Black Pine said:

I really dig the character information on the back of the career sheet.


I just came here to express my increasing worry about the direction these designer diaries seem to take the game. Career sheets may have something to give but what about characters sheets? Now I know this is a bit on the whining side and can be easily altered by players but still - the characters sheet doesn't have anything about the character other than stats. All kinds of neat boxes are given but when all that gives information about what kind of a person you're playing is numbers and battle related it makes me really nervous.

So pretty please; can we have a game demo before all the excitement about this new edition is reduced to curious optimism (which is always doomed to fail). These Designer Diaries are a great way to go but it seems little odd that FFG doesn't seem to be selling this thing to old players. It's like saying "we got your money already with edition 2, no shut up and let us hassle the new kids too"...

Sunatet said:

PS: You still owe us that session demo video lengua.gif

I second this.

...As long as the players in this video are hot chicks.

Necrozius said:

...As long as the players in this video are hot chicks.

mmmm... HOT CHICKS babeo.gif

Then I will say: Jay You still owe us that session demo video with HOT CHICKS in a role of elven courtesans gran_risa.gif

Best preview so far. Thanks a million!

doc_cthulhu said:

the characters sheet doesn't have anything about the character other than stats. All kinds of neat boxes are given but when all that gives information about what kind of a person you're playing is numbers and battle related it makes me really nervous.

Actually, I've been wanting to see this for years. The purpose of a character sheet should be to provide rules-related information quickly and efficiently, so that a rules situation can be resolved as fast as possible, allowing the game to move on and do the interesting character stuff.

I agree passionately that a character should be more than a set of numbers and skills, but when I need that information I want it it in large text, on one side of paper, without the irrelevant clutter of a character's eye colour and boot size that so many WFRP character sheets get bogged down with. Character background and detail can be remembered or kept separately, as it's rarely needed in play.

My main concern here is that the sheet appears fairly small (meaning text and numbers are not as large as they could be) and it's designed to be costly to print and possibly unsuitable for photocopying. Has anyone tried it yet?



I photocopied a bunch on a friend's 4 year old colour copier/printer. They came out very well.

James Sparrow said:

I agree passionately that a character should be more than a set of numbers and skills, but when I need that information I want it it in large text, on one side of paper, without the irrelevant clutter of a character's eye colour and boot size that so many WFRP character sheets get bogged down with. Character background and detail can be remembered or kept separately, as it's rarely needed in play.

That's true. But when the stats take up both sides of the sheet there's simply too much IMHO.

It even more balansed then I could even emagine. I like it, it's a completly new style of game better then I expected.

doc_cthulhu said:

James Sparrow said:

I agree passionately that a character should be more than a set of numbers and skills, but when I need that information I want it it in large text, on one side of paper, without the irrelevant clutter of a character's eye colour and boot size that so many WFRP character sheets get bogged down with. Character background and detail can be remembered or kept separately, as it's rarely needed in play.

That's true. But when the stats take up both sides of the sheet there's simply too much IMHO.

I'm an arse - I didn't spot there was a page 2!

That said, all the stuff I'd consider rules relevant is on the front anyway (based on what little I know of the game). The CS appears to be around A5, so I imagine it would be possible to get both sides onto one side of A4.

It's not perfect, but I've seen much worse.



it would be nice if Jay published some of the other characters used, paticularly a couple of humans to see how they came out differently, assuming of course that they did.

chojun said:

what are the little white squares next to the diamond charateristic boxes for?

Temporary bonuses or penalties? See how fatigue and Stress are linked to the physical and mental stats respectively? Pehaps each point of stress/fatige you get means you have to reduce one of the linked stats by 1 temporarily until the fatigue/stress is removed.

..complete guess obviously!