Self Destruct Wording

By SilkyRPV, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions


I'm asking about the wording of Self Destruct. I had thought it was pretty clear, but seem to have been blown up in one of the Netrunner Facebook pages.

The card Self Destruct's text says: Trash all cards installed in or protecting this server and trace X – if successful, do 3 net damage. X is the number of cards trashed. Use this ability only during a run on this server.

I want to know "Trash all cards installed in or protecting this server..." means the Corp can make a choice whether to trash all the Assets/Upgrades in the server or trash all the ICE protecting the server separately. Or was this supposed to mean trash all the cards in the server (Assets/Upgrades) and the ICE protecting it.

The language used in the card's text in English seems to denote that it's pick either the server or the ICE, but I don't know how it's worded in other languages where the distinction could be different.

Thanks for the help.

Huh. I'd always assumed the card destroyed the entire server, but then one wonders why they wouldn't have used the word "and" instead of "or". I'd send that one in as an official query (link is at the bottom of this page).

The way i see it the card gives you 2 options:

  • Trash all cards protecting this server: Get's rid of all the ICE but leaves any agendas/assets/upgrades intact.
  • Trash all cards installed in this server: trashes all cards in the server (as you know ICE is installed in the server.)

I suppose it's to give the corp more flexability in just how badly does he want to get the runner.

Edited by Robin Graves

I don't read it as a Corp choice, its that you trash all cards that are either in or protecting the server, which would be everything.

But why would it say "or"? If there was no choice shouldn't it be "and"?

because if it said "and" it would have zero eligible targets, as no card can be both in a server and protecting it.

So I'm told.

Ah. I see...