September 2009 SOTG

By FFGSteve, in UFS General Discussion

Homme Chapeau said:

I'd like to mention that Reversal-based Good has never worked and due to the mechanics inherent to the game, will never work. Another niche would be necessary.

Never? Um, I beg to differ. Unfortunately, I haven't attended the major tournaments necessary to prove it, but the Galford, Jenet, and Lizardman (promos) could all do quite well.

ROTBI said:

Homme Chapeau said:

I'd like to mention that Reversal-based Good has never worked and due to the mechanics inherent to the game, will never work. Another niche would be necessary.

Never? Um, I beg to differ. Unfortunately, I haven't attended the major tournaments necessary to prove it, but the Galford, Jenet, and Lizardman (promos) could all do quite well.

Tried it, through two out of those three (one of them being Galford) and because the cards necessary to make it work weren't printed, it didn't work. Even now that they technically are (King support allows you to tank, Lu Chen support to screw up their turn while reversing), I haven't seen Good do anything.

Antigoth said:

I think this is a great plan, and it's something I've been saying to FFG privately since they took over in 2008.

Accordingly, I'll pass on why they're saying "no"

Apparently Battle Packs don't sell. People would maybe buy one, and that's it. Retailers I've talked to have echo'd these sentiments, and have thanked FFG for stopping Battle Packs.

It sucks... but I totally agree with you, and I know a number of players who feel the same way.

Well, the reason for the BPs not selling well, IMO, is that the contents weren't as great. If there would be 1 copy of URs, 2 copies of Rs, 3 copies of UCs and 4 copies of Cs in the BPs, then they would move, if and only if, the contents are great in itself and with the cards available. Why buy more than 2 copies of the old BPs when all you need is 2 to get a set and only a handfull of the cards were awesome. Putting in 1 copy of 2 or 4 different URs would encourage players to buy up to 4 copies to get sets.

Well, just my thought on that. FFG should hire me as a private contractor to make one BP to test out. ^_-

dutpotd said:

quarzark said:

And to the rest, I have to say that you aren't valuing the defensive properties of Earth or Bryan Fury properly. I'm sure there is a thread somewhere on here complaining about fire, post a reply about this in there if you want to talk about it more.

In before I'm told to play Rashotep or be quiet since I'm not a customer, the reason I'm not a customer being the companies own **** fault.

This is where you lost me, everything prior just made me mad. You can't see cards as an 'investment' it is a game, your money is gone once you buy it, you can't 'expect' appreciation and you can't 'expect' any more personal value from your purchase than what you give it heed yourself.

My only point is that you sound like you want Earth to be as agressive as fire? (you can't have your cake and eat it too!!!). Then this statement above seems like you are telling me what I value? I like Earth, hell I may even like the Earth symbol more than Fire just like you. I'm also fully aware of what Earth offers that Fire doesn't, and that is a lot of something, somethings that makes Earth better than Fire in many cases.

There's nothing really to talk to you about, you've already been disambiguated by your own admission that you are turned off of buying into the game (and you blame FFG for this, becuase they apparantly have control over your pocket book...)

If you want to play agressive you had better play the most agressive symbol in the game... What other symbol should be more agressive, tell me? All I'm saying is you can't blame the designers for sticking true to the symbols. They wanted these last few sets to be agressive, agressive cards get fire. Not exactly a surprise. You claim to like agression in the game and yet what you are really asking for is either a) agression to be on your favorite symbol and not just fire, or b) for more game mechanics to come out that lend themselves to control.The latter will come, and ideally in a balanced form. If the former came you would be complaining that all the symbols play the same and it is a lose/lose situation.

Have some patience, the world doesn't revolve around you and your playgroup, if you take a two month hiatus from the game becuase 'you don't like most cards being fire/agressive' then do so in peace or play legacy, or play block 3, or play block 2, play a full block. Don't come in here pretending fire is the only symbol you can play right now, it isn't. Don't come in here smearing a Company that makes decisions that are the best for the majority of players, because the opposite would do more harm than good.

We don't control what you play, obviously the only people that control what you play are your friends who do buy the cards - which you then share off of. Don't get me wrong, this is all good and I buy/collect with one other as well, my point is you can play what you want however you want, and the clear value you place on cards yet to be released is in direct contrast to your desire for old cards to hold value. Want your old cards to hold value for a long time and to you? Buy them and play with them for more than 2 weeks before demanding something more.

- dut

hey sweet, I only had to go back a page and look for the last wall of text. I have things to do today so I can only make this quick.

1) cards are an investment. even if you don't look at it like me where I want my cards to be worth money, you can also look at it as trade bait. Because surely people want your legacy cards, or even 4 point shuriken cards. I would like for what I purchase to be worth something for more then a few months.

2) I don't care about earth, Heihachi was just an example. As far as symbols go, I like all of them except whichever one is the flavor of the month. And I can have my cake and eat it too, by playing fire. I made a typo in my last post which should read "you aren't valuing the defensive properties of FIRE and Bryan Fury". Which is my bad. Fire is the current universal foundation system and can DR better then every other symbol in the game because it has the draw power to spam amazing foundations. It's not nearly as aggressive as Death/Chaos and you know what, it also has less risk than those symbols for a lot higher reward. Fire is the tanking symbol in the game that can just happen to have an 8-10 card handsize and throw moves for death every turn without having to worry about defense. Unless of course the opponent is Bryan Fury, who has Fire, which means you should play him off of Fire because it's his best symbol. My problem is that. Why should I play a character off of a symbol other then fire, when I can just play Fire, spam foundations, DR everything until I can make my throws big, then just half-damage at your health until you're dead? There isn't enough control in the game to deal with that quickly enough. Also, MAC may be the answer to Fire's draw... but it also has fire on it. I'm asking for a reason to play other symbols or at least for other symbols to have a similar amount of Risk/Reward that Fire does. (bolded so you don't miss it this time). Also, I'm not looking for a reason to play other symbols because of some emotional reason, I don't have a soul for that.

3) I'm taking a break because when we stopped wanting to play block 3, it was because you could just wall up and mill. Mini-STD is wall up and use throws. The reason I want SCIV is because the current meta needs more cards to balance it out. There is a difference between wanting more cards with 8 sets in the pool already, then wanting more cards with only 3 sets.

4) I don't buy cards because I don't trust FFG, not because of their control over my pocket book. Poor prize support, constant delays, bad wording leading to poor rulings (a constant problem so I'll cut some slack on that, if anything for the players who have been trying to fix it) have been slowly draining the player base. I can't smear a company that's already done that to their own reputation. Heck, half of it is the business side of FFG not giving Steve and Hata enough money/employees/time. Everyone who has quit isn't leaving because they can't afford the game, but because they ran out of patience for this to be worked out. If you don't understand that, then I'm assuming you're the only playgroup left that has 20+ members all eagerly awaiting december. If someone told me that UFS had at least 300 active players worldwide, I'd probably laugh at them.

I only have like 20 minutes so that's all I can really do. Feel free to pick and choose, dissect, or whatever. This wouldn't be the internet if people couldn't complain about things with no sense of right, wrong, truth, or even any amount of effort. (and if you can say this points to me too, congrats on having the cognitive thinking skills of a 5th grader for noticing).

GraveLord said:

Well, the reason for the BPs not selling well, IMO, is that the contents weren't as great. If there would be 1 copy of URs, 2 copies of Rs, 3 copies of UCs and 4 copies of Cs in the BPs, then they would move, if and only if, the contents are great in itself and with the cards available. Why buy more than 2 copies of the old BPs when all you need is 2 to get a set and only a handfull of the cards were awesome. Putting in 1 copy of 2 or 4 different URs would encourage players to buy up to 4 copies to get sets.

That and you only really needed 2. If a store has 10 players, and all ten buy 2, that's 20 battle packs. And how many battle packs are in a case?

Sol Badguy said:

kiit said:

Sol Badguy said:

bloodocean said:

I'm with Quzark and postman (we are in the same playgroup) I'll be taking a break the next few months. I just cant stand how much fire is in the game atm. I was tolerating it because I know Sciv balances fire out (throw hate). There really isnt any point of playing a symbol other than fire. We were joking last week about banning fire decks, now we just might have to lol.

Again if anyone wants to send me the spoilers that somehow got out :)

It's called "Go to Worlds and PLAY against STAFF."

Actually there is a PDF with all the cards from the next set that is what I am talking about a lot of people seem to have it or at the very least have seen it =(

Your the only person I've seen mention it other than some random post by someone who said their area's playtester showed him a pdf.

Sol Badguy said:

bloodocean said:

Hata had some sciv 02 with him at gencon, judging from what people have told me the art will be alot better than Tekken. Which seems a bit wierd because they are owned by the same company. I'd think they would want consistant art among products they own, but its probably a complex process.

Well I guess you must just be a very wishful person that says things are going to happen even though he actually has no clue =/

None the less I know people that have flat out told me that this PDF exists and that they have it and I have no reason to doubt them

yea a pdf will exist for playtesters...

so what was your email again?


dutpotd said:

I don't particularly like SCIV, I don't particularly like Tekken, I don't particularly dislike SW (I'm still trying to get a grip on what the world of SW is), all I can tell you is that I do like UFS. I can also tell you I particularly like Street Fighter and Darkstalkers and some select SNK characters, of which very few have been released. The SNK characters I like being Joe Higashi and Rugal Bernstein, sure I don't mind Terry, Geese, etc. but those 2 are my favs and they aren't anywhere! Instead I get countless iterations of some 90 year old shemale called Vega among other equally lame characters.

Do you see me complain often? Maybe, but to all those that think they are in a boat alone, there are a lot of other players out there that like certain IP more than others, and there are equally as many that - bearing with that - enjoy simply - the game of UFS.

- dut

They don't have the licence for any KOF games that have Joe or Rugal. I don't care for tekken, or street fighter, I don't mind soul cal, or KOF 06, I like shadowar, samurai shodown, and darkstalkers, I would like to see Bloody roar. but thats just my opinion.

Da_ghetto_gamer said:

Hayamachop said:

The only thing that makes me angry about this post is, the said SIV-2 would drop in oct. If they wany to reset everything whe ydont they drop one in oct, then in Jan, then april, then july, then back to oct. Seems to me that then they could reset after worlds easier

It isnt only about getting the sets back on track to every 3 months its thinking about people who dont want to spend more money newer cards when they dont even have all of tekken that they want.

I only bought a box and a few packs of tekken and im still probably going to buy more becuase i dont have every card that i want and my playgroup is still hardcore trading to build the one of four decks they are working on at the moment

And i can tell you that at least in my playgroup the game isnt stale

I have 3 decks at the moment none of which are fire by the way and im pretty sure everyone one else who played in my tourney last week has at least 2 different decks yeah we have 3 astrids but she doesnt have to play off of fire and hell if i built her i would want to try it off of all or order becuase its different

If your so worried about fire ruining your day then build siegfried i promise you hes the anti fire and i usually dont lose to fire decks when i play him my only losses in tourneys with him came to a nightmare deck(yes ironic i know) but i checked a turn ending 2 on my first 2 turns the games that i lost to him....we went to game 3. Granted ive only played him in 2 tourneys but still

we must be strange then, lately we have death jin, good/fire Hilde, Earth/fire Ragnar, 3 different versions of fire astrid, death Nina, death/chaos Kazuya, Nightmare off of any of his resources, all or fire paul, life ivy, all/life christie, omar off of any of his resources, earth Seigfried, Dariya off of all (playtesting) those are what I can remember, theres a lot more characters and decks kicking about our meta.

quarzark said:

I'm assuming you're the only playgroup left that has 20+ members

Yea Calgary does have 20+ players, most are too busy building with new tekken stuff to care about the next SCVI set right now. Personally I was talking to Dut a few days before the SOTG came out, and said that I was expecting SCVI02 to be released late november, so early december doesn't bother me. I'm missing 4 cards from tekken, but missing alot more from shadowar and the first SCVI set.

kiit said:

Yea Calgary does have 20+ players, most are too busy building with new tekken stuff to care about the next SCVI set right now. Personally I was talking to Dut a few days before the SOTG came out, and said that I was expecting SCVI02 to be released late november, so early december doesn't bother me. I'm missing 4 cards from tekken, but missing alot more from shadowar and the first SCVI set.


@ q:

I don't really have much to say, all of your points I already understood and somewhat agree with, but nevertheless I thank you for elaborating on them.

The only thing I do have to say is that I'm sorry your games have degenerated into wall and throw... You have probably seen me say we need more answers to throw, there are answers to wall so I won't even pretend to say we need that.

We have an incredibly diverse meta I suppose, one that touts decks that can absolutely destroy wall and throw tactics, i.e. they break down the fire damage reduction wall like none other. Kiit has elaborated on some specifics, bottom line though is we see it all - top tier astrid/zi/king/hilde/rasho/paul/fury/omar/jj/etc. and whatever, we have players with enough know how to realize that although fire is the strongest symbol in 'most' cases right now (duh it has the 'most' cards), it is identifying the 'least' cases and exploiting them that makes us better as players. Moreso, it is fun to undo fire, and very many strategies do...

Kiit doesn't live in the future, and his last post is probably one with the most truth (least quip) I've seen in a while.

Lastly, I hope you continue to play until December or else you will miss out on the understanding that those players who do will gain from a) being active, and b) mining a rich mini-card pool which is sometimes more fun than trying to mine a giant one.

- dut

dutpotd said:

Kiit doesn't live in the future, and his last post is probably one with the most truth (least quip) I've seen in a while.


I'd just like to note that I took 3rd at the only Fort Myers FoP with a Good/Water *Yoshitora* deck. Yes, one based on reversals.

Tagrineth said:

I'd just like to note that I took 3rd at the only Fort Myers FoP with a Good/Water *Yoshitora* deck. Yes, one based on reversals.

Wait what FoPs were serious business?


We need to know in order to set up our Store Championship appropriately.

If the pre-release is the weekend before Thanksgiving, it completely screws up our chance to throw a decent store championship.

If the pre-release is Thanksgiving weekend, it will get crap attendance, as many folks are out of town on vacation with family.

If the pre-release is December 1, that would be great.