Indiana playgroups

By hollywoodblobb, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Organized Play

Good day to you all. We have a small playgroup in Bloomington, Indiana. I was wondering if there were any other group in the surrounding areas(Indy, Lousiville, etc) with whom we can organize games with to not only expand the group, but who we can also game with to help get better with the game and build the community as a whole.

Thank you for your time.

I know there's a group at the Game Preserve in Lafayette. Also a newish group from Champaign-Urbana. Both of those may be a bit further than you were hoping for though.

Even though the groups may not be able to get together weekly, getting together with them once a month would help our group by leaps and bounds. Thank you! I will look into it and see if I can contact them.

Also, when do you guys get together? I live up in Toledo now, but I go back to Indy with some regularity and may be able to make it down occasionally.

Right now we get together just when we can. Since it's just me and one other guy, we just get a hold of each other and try to get games in. 90% of the time it is usually after 1pm on Fridays or Saturdays.

Other than myself, I know of two others who play on the south side of Indianapolis. However, we have never gotten together to play. I have just seen them in the GP a few times.

I am really needing to play some games before Gen Con as I'll be running two tournaments there for SWM Gamers. One on Thurday morning (unfortunately, during the FFG Official National Championships) and another on Saturday morning.

A couple of years ago I went to a regional down in Bloominton and had a great time with the folks down there. I would be interested in getting together more often to play.

We usually meet at the Game Preserve on the square or a place called Common Room games on the other side of town. Meeting up at GP is hit or miss because people do not like to pay to park. Feel free to come on in and get in a game or 2.

I'll actually be in Bloomington next weekend (the 27th) for a wedding but should be free in the morning at least.

Cool, let us know when you want to get together and we'll see if we can make it happen.

PM sent.

Me and a friend are both looking for some players. We live in Northside and Broadripple area in Indy. Be happy to meet some other players in the area.

If you're willing to make a drive for a tournament, we're having a summer tournament kit event this Sunday up in Toledo. Easy drive up 69 to Fort Wayne and then US 24 to Toledo.

Looking for consistent day to play some Star Wars. New FLGS opened up 86th & Michigan area, that's where I'll be every Tuesday (try out this day at least). Any are welcome to play. I'll be there after 6pm.

I'd love to go to Family Time sometime and get more games in, but I live on the south side, so it would probably have to be a weekend situation.

Totengraber, same thing here as I replied to you in the AGoT forums. I'm a huge SW LCG fan, never get to play enough of this game. If there is a time on the weekends we can get together, I'd love to meet more players in the Indy area!

I'm looking for some players up around the Fort Wayne area. Anybody close?

There are groups in Toledo and the Ann Arbor area. A little far for coming regularly but hopefully you can make it over for occasional events. :-)

I'm occasionally in Fort Wayne. Next time I'm up that way, I'll post here to let people know? Love to get a game in up that way.

I'm occasionally in Fort Wayne. Next time I'm up that way, I'll post here to let people know? Love to get a game in up that way.

Sounds good. I usually work weekends but if I get enough of a heads up I'll be able to make time to get some games in.