Question about JJ's promo

By blades0fbl00d, in UFS General Discussion

They guy who runs the tournaments where I play was showing his promo tonight. He was saying that if you wanted it, you just had to ak him for it. He said he couldn't remember what JJ's username was, and I'm trying to find it out. Please let me know in a response or email me at [email protected].

It's one of those names that are kind of hard to remember; all I can remember is it was like Zzas-something lol

Not incredibly helpful, sorry.

Also, a big condition on him giving you his card is that you do not ever trade with it or sell it. If you think you might at some point, don't bother asking.

I don't plan on it. I wan't it cuz eveyrbody I play with is playing Hatta and I wanna say f u Hatta

Best bet is to go harass him on the Uk Forums. But I remember right, after some french guy ebayed his copies of the card, JJ stopped giving them out.

He hasn't stopped, he was just really really pissed about it.


Despite being fairly unhappy about the sale of my character card on eBay, I have not permanently ceased distribution of the character card. However, I am currently at Uni with no copies at hand and have been for several weeks now, so unfortunately I must temporarily cease distribution.

While I apologise to all those who have e-mailed me recently asking for a card, due to the fact that I will be unable to send any more out for the time being, I feel that I left a rather large window for people to e-mail me and sort out a card and have sent off well over 30 copies to overseas (ie. not within the UK) for free.

I will make sure to make a post on the boards again when I have the cards at hand to distribute once again.

Thanks for all the polite e-mails I have recieved from prospective recipients of the character card. For the most part it was a pleasure dealing with you.
