2015 Nationals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Yea blocked soontir is easy to kill, if you have more than one ship left. And being a rebel player, I can expect to have exactly one ship left turn five and on - the ship I put R2-D2 on, haha.

Decimator / Fel can kill the support before I ever get a chance to block Fel, that's why I think anti-pursuits are so critical. Because one on one Dash always loses to Fel otherwise.

It's really just hitting me the genius of that last block on Soontir. Dash barrel rolled ONTO an Asteroid (not a debris) to set up the block. That was sheer amazing. Even knowing your cards and strategy, the concept of rolling ONTO an Asteroid is so far outside normal game play that I immediately ruled it out as a possibility until Dash revealed that 1 bank (where I prayed you wouldn't do it). Nice one man!

the upgrade you're looking for there is Intelligence Agent :P

(yeah I know, KK and all. Int agent doesn't get nearly the love it deserves, though, and it deserves a lot more than APL)

Uh, I was using IntelAgent waaaay before it was cool. (6th after Swiss, 2014 NorCal regionals, on my tweak of Bluebacca.)

So, if Ion Projectors had been available previously, would the list have run that or APL?

Hey Ixidor. I'll stick with AP lasers. Ioning is pointless if he's still going to get his actions next turn. My cannon still won't be able to hurt him turtled.

I saw that a couple of nationals dates are missing from the first posts and thought to share them:

  • Madrid, Spain - September 19-20, 2015 link
  • Toulouse, France - September 5-6, 2015 link
Edited by darthlurker

The Internet says that German Nationals was won by 4X.

Luke R2-D2, DtF




Anyone confirm?

Edit: nevermind, it was dual IG.

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

The Internet says that German Nationals was won by 4X.

Luke R2-D2, DtF




Anyone confirm?

#$&% you.


Ze Germans"

The Internet says that German Nationals was won by 4X.

Luke R2-D2, DtF




Anyone confirm?

That Has to be a troll

That's a troll. German Nationals was won by a spanish dude living in Germany! He was flying Bro-Bots and smahed a Double Decimator Build in a great Final match.

It was a 32 limited Tournament. Every Regional and/or Qualifier (Special Tournaments exclusive in Germany) and also 20 people from 2x 64 player FLIGHTs had entrance into this tournament.

It was huge ... it was tough ... it was a shark tank!

I'm surprised nobody talks about Nordics. Kath with Expert handling in top4 deserves some attention :)

I'm surprised nobody talks about Nordics. Kath with Expert handling in top4 deserves some attention :)

Was it Scum Kath? In my opinion she's one of the better Scum pilots, right behind the IG-88s. Haven't tried her with EH, but I should give it a go. I usually run VI or even Opportunist in some builds.

Yeah, it was Scum Kath + four z95's with feedback array :)

Edited by huppcio

Nordics top 16 result:

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Date: 15-16 August

Number of players: 92

ListJuggler link: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=594

Top 16


Oliver Pocknell (#5 after swiss)

Han Solo + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Luke Skywalker + C-3PO

Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets + Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters + Push the Limit


Michael Dennis (#15 after swiss)

Omicron Group Pilot + Darth Vader

Whisper + Rebel Captive + Fire-Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device + Veteran Instincts
Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Targeting Computer


Jesper Hills (#3 after swiss and the UK national Champion 2015)

Squad from memory, not listed in Juggler

IG-88 B + IG 2000 + Push the Limit + Advanced Sensors + Mangler Cannon + Autothrusters

IG-88 C + IG 2000 + Push the Limit + Advanced Sensors + Heavy Laser Cannon + Autothrusters

Off Jenkins (#16 after swiss)

Binayre Pirate + Feedback Array

Binayre Pirate + Feedback Array
Binayre Pirate + Feedback Array
Binayre Pirate + Feedback Array
Kath Scarlet + Expert Handling + Inertial Dampeners + K4 Security Droid

Top 8:

Roine Gothberg (#8 after swiss)

Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Whisper + Fire-Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device + Veteran Instincts
Omicron Group Pilot + Darth Vader

Sam Cox (#4 after swiss)

IG-88 B + IG 2000 + Push the Limit + Mangler Cannon + Autothrusters + Advanced Sensors

Ig-88 C + IG 2000 + Push the Limit + Heavy Laser Cannon + Autothrusters + Advanced Sensors

J ames Ling (#6 after swiss)

Squad from memory, not ListJuggler

IG-88 B + IG 2000 + Stay on Target + Advanced Sensors + Mangler Cannon + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters

IG-88 C + IG 2000 + Stay on Target + Advanced Sensors + Heavy Laser Cannon + Inertial Dampeners Autothrusters

Jakub Siedlecki (#7 after swiss)

Squad from memory, not entered into Juggler

IG-88 B + IG 2000 + EPT? + Fire-Control System + Mangler Cannon + Seismic Charge? + Autothrusters

IG-88 C + IG 2000 + EPT?+ Fire Control System + Heavy Laser Cannon + Seismic Charge? + Autothrusters

Top 16:

Mads Barkman Petersen (#1 after swiss)

Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Luke Skywalker + C-3PO

Tala Squadron Pilot
Tala Squadron Pilot
Tala Squadron Pilot

Kristofer Bengtsson (#2 after swiss) ME!
Dash Rendar + Heavy Laser Cannon + Predator + Outrider
Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + C-3PO

Tommy Byoe (#9 after swiss)

Chewbacca + Predator + Millennium Falcon + Engine Upgrade + Luke Skywalker + C-3PO

Tala Squadron Pilot
Tala Squadron Pilot
Tala Squadron Pilot

Steve Fase (#10 after swiss)

Not in Juggler

Boba Fett + Veteran Instincts + Tactician + Autoblaster Cannon + Engine Upgrade

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Binayre Pirate

Victor Pluntky (#11 after swiss)

Not in Juggler but he flew IG-88 B and IG-88 C

Arkadiusz Cala (#12 after swiss)
From memory, not in Juggler

Captain Oicunn + Predator + Dauntless + Darth Vader + Isanne Isard + Engine Upgrade + Seismic Charge?

Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Fire-Control System + Intelligence Agent + Advanced Cloaking Device

Jesper Gran (#13 after swiss)

Blue Squadron Pilot + Flechette Cannon + Fire-Control System

Blue Squadron Pilot + Flechette Cannon + Fire-Control System
Blue Squadron Pilot + Flechette Cannon
Blue Squadron Pilot + Flechette Cannon

Petri Tynninen (#14 after swiss)

List not entered into Juggler but I believe he flew Lando and Leebo I believe

Edited by Veldrin


James Ling had Inertial Dampeners on IG-88C.

Steve Fase was flying 4 x Binayre, Boba w/ VI, Damps, Engine, Autoblaster, Tactician

Arkadiusz Cala had a Proximity Mine, not Seismic, I think

For the German / Austria / Switzerland Nationals 2015:

I will upload all lists and results to Jugglers around Tuesday next week.

Finale was:


IG-88B (36)
Predator (3)
Advanced Sensors (3)
"Mangler" Cannon (4)
Inertial Dampeners (1)
Autothrusters (2)
IG-2000 (0)

IG-88C (36)
Predator (3)
Advanced Sensors (3)
Heavy Laser Cannon (7)
Autothrusters (2)
IG-2000 (0)

Total: 100



Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)
Predator (3)
Ysanne Isard (4)
Engine Upgrade (4)

Patrol Leader (40)
Darth Vader (3)

Total: 100

Lord_Fede won with IG-88B left.

Video of Finale:

Edited by Udo77

Without Rebel Captive or Gunner, it was definitely an uphill battle for the decimators. Does anyone know how much health the last IG had? I skimmed through the video. It seemed like the last exchange was pretty critical for both sides.

Edited by bmf

As far as I remember the IG-88 had 2 hull left at the end of the game (one crit being console fire).

The one decimator had console fire throughout half of the game. But instead of extinguishing the fire the imperial player pushed aggressively forward and had lucky rolls on the console fire several times.

This is very delayed on my end, but we have all the lists in scanned PDF form that we can enter into List Juggler for the GenCon tournament. Paul actually scanned these and emailed them to me on August 5, I have just been bad about getting them uploaded and posted for public consumption.

So, if you would like to help fill out some Gencon lists, grab a PDF below and start uploading to List Juggler!

Paul scanned them all in alphabetical order so it should be fairly easy to find the players' lists. Thanks again Paul!

United States
July 30-31, 2015
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States


Attendance: 190 (capped at 200)

Format: Thursday: 7 rounds of Swiss. Friday: Top 16 elimination rounds.

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=579

Lists for Crowdsourcing:

A - F: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_FtpUvAFB8pem5vVXBrMU9Ec0QtaHJCT1VGX28weWJUMTFJ/view?usp=sharing

G - L: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_FtpUvAFB8pVlhRdEQzS3RKRm45ZXZRdkFLeWg1UXNER3NN/view?usp=sharing

M - R: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_FtpUvAFB8pdWctd000OFM5SWlYdHFlcnhWM2JzdHVUekNZ/view?usp=sharing

S - Z: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_FtpUvAFB8pdEQ0cWVjN3FHNkp4SFA1QW42ZGRZRnpHZGpV/view?usp=sharing

German/Austrian/Swiss Nationals

Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz, Freusburg

August 14-16 2015

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=619

Flight 1 (Friday): 59 Players, 5 rounds

Flight 2 (Saturday): 62 Players, 5 rounds

Final (Sunday): 32, 5 rounds top 4

Round length: 60 min

Regional winners didn't get a (super) bye - instead they qualified directly for the finals on Sunday.

Video playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nLrfdc95t2p1OpvoewItb7c19TUdhtq

All results: http://www.moseisleyraumhafen.com/t7222-x-wing-dm-2015-kombinierte-endtabelle

All squad lists: http://www.moseisleyraumhafen.com/t7270-staffellisten-der-dm-im-squadbuilder

Bump for 4 National events this weekend! Netherlands, Slovakia, France and Canada!