2015 Nationals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

You gain back 1 shield at the risk of a 50/50 chance of giving yourself a crit.

You gain back 1 shield at the risk of a 50/50 chance of giving yourself a crit.

If you're referring to R2D2 crew, my understanding is that you only gain the crit if you have a face down damage card already, and the percentage isn't 50%, you only flip over the face down damage card if you roll a hit (not a crit) (37.5% instead of 50%). Unless I am really misreading the card?

So, until you get a face down damage card, this gives you an free auto restore of 1 lost shield each round and every round.

Frankly, this flies sweetly on a Blue/E2 as well.

EDIT : I was misreading the card. You only can get back a shield when you have no shields left . That makes this card considerably less awesome. What this card will give you is a single shield when you have no shields , at the substantial risk (37.5%) of turning an existing hit into a critical that must be resolved immediately.

Edited by DanDoulogos

Could somebody please explain the brilliancy of putting r2d2 crew on dash as if i was a 2year old? : )

It's a tech card against gunner and just a strong defensive crew. C-3PO can sometimes be useless when your opponent has rolled only one hit but has gunner or luke waiting to take a second shot against you. With R2-D2 you can just take one damage and then quickly regen it back.

He can also backfire. Listen to the last S & V podcast. There was an r2 that turned off Chewie's pilot ability and EPT. Ouch.

You gain back 1 shield at the risk of a 50/50 chance of giving yourself a crit.

If you're referring to R2D2 crew, my understanding is that you only gain the crit if you have a face down damage card already, and the percentage isn't 50%, you only flip over the face down damage card if you roll a hit (not a crit) (37.5% instead of 50%). Unless I am really misreading the card?

So, until you get a face down damage card, this gives you an free auto restore of 1 lost shield each round and every round.

Frankly, this flies sweetly on a Blue/E2 as well.

That's the general idea. And in a 2 ship meta, with 2 agility and LW, you're unlikely to be taking several damage anyways. If you assume a focus action, you have a 5% chance of 0 evades, 26% chance of 1 evade, 68% chance of 2 evades. And then you regen a shield, with a 37.5% of flipping up a damage card - if you have a damage card to flip up.

As for on a blue, it's not a particularly good card since there's so few opportunities for R2D2 Crew to happen before you die. C3PO is cheaper and better on a Blue.

Also, you've never really seen it before on Dash because Dash is typically paired with Corran, who calls dibs on R2D2.

He can also backfire. Listen to the last S & V podcast. There was an r2 that turned off Chewie's pilot ability and EPT. Ouch.

This is a possibility, but R2 can be used even when just shields are gone, before you have damage cards. In that case, it's just a free shield regen.

Once you've taken hull, since that first shot MUST go through at least 1 shield and 2 green dice and a Lone Wolf reroll, it's somewhat likely that the cards you have are already crits (when facing RAC, Manglers, or just natural shots), so there's no downside to using R2 if that's the case.

If you do have a face-down damage card, using R2 can be very risky, but he's optional. At this point of the game, it might be that the remaining ship(s) can't even get arc on you, or they're firing a 3-die PWT at r3 through obstacles while Dash pops off an HLC back.

One thing I like about the build is that it's not something anyone can just put together and have immediate success with. Jeff worked very hard at developing it, practicing it, and settling on the best escort for Dash.

I agree Serate, which is why I can't wait for team covenant to post the video. I am excited to see how he flew the list.

yall better start running r-d2 (crew)

if only because he'll be auto-include on Ghost when it finally comes out :P

Where is Paul Heaver or Doug Kenny in this list? Did we get a whole new set of names?

Also surprised to not see RAC or Han in the final.

Paul Heaver went 0-3 and dropped. He did proceed to win the Imperial Assault tournament on Saturday. Doug Kinney wasn't there.

Where is Paul Heaver or Doug Kenny in this list? Did we get a whole new set of names?

Also surprised to not see RAC or Han in the final.

Paul Heaver went 0-3 and dropped. He did proceed to win the Imperial Assault tournament on Saturday. Doug Kinney wasn't there.

so he won IA, eh?

did he use a hyper upgraded Han with c3po and r2-d2 :P ?

Edited by ficklegreendice

Could somebody please explain the brilliancy of putting r2d2 crew on dash as if i was a 2year old? : )

It's a tech card against gunner and just a strong defensive crew. C-3PO can sometimes be useless when your opponent has rolled only one hit but has gunner or luke waiting to take a second shot against you. With R2-D2 you can just take one damage and then quickly regen it back.

Okay, now tell me the secret of APL on Dash? That is what is really blowing my mind, APL instead of EU? :blink:

Could somebody please explain the brilliancy of putting r2d2 crew on dash as if i was a 2year old? : )

It's a tech card against gunner and just a strong defensive crew. C-3PO can sometimes be useless when your opponent has rolled only one hit but has gunner or luke waiting to take a second shot against you. With R2-D2 you can just take one damage and then quickly regen it back.

Okay, now tell me the secret of APL on Dash? That is what is really blowing my mind, APL instead of EU? :blink:

Jeff would be able to best answer your questions on his upgrade choices, but I can take a stab at it.

There is not enough points for an Engine. He has 2 points left. With APL and PS7 and barrel roll, you can use Dash to block AND damage (indirect) aces. Listen to the Team Covenant interview with Alex. He describes a brilliant move Jeff made to finish off Soontir by blocking him and triggering APL in the final match. I don't know if Soontir was his main reason for APL but it definitely is a good counter. Hopefully we get some videos of the Top 8 matches and can see how the list was played.

Edited by bmf

Soontir is certainly a primary reason. Carrying an HLC, Soontir is going to try for the donut-hole every time. APL is genius.

Jeff may also have had some knowledge of the mild OiCunn fewer that swept late Regionals, and had that in mind, too.

Well that is the nice thing about big premier events like tournaments. They tend to brign out the hidden power of ignored upgrade cards. In 2014 the star was R2-D2 <crew> a card that you don't see much in favor of Chewbacca or gunner. This year it is Anti-Pursuit lasers. We might see those coming out some more. Can you say the return of the ORS?

yall better start running r-d2 (crew)

if only because he'll be auto-include on Ghost when it finally comes out :P

Assuming Chopper doesn't murder him...

Soontir is certainly a primary reason. Carrying an HLC, Soontir is going to try for the donut-hole every time. APL is genius.

Jeff may also have had some knowledge of the mild OiCunn fewer that swept late Regionals, and had that in mind, too.

Exactly. Can't keep someone out of your range 1? No problem, just bash them instead.

The big revelation I recently had on anti pursuit lasers is that it's a way to get damage through without having to deal with token piles. Soontir and Jake don't get thier dice or tokens, ditto for whisper

The big revelation I recently had on anti pursuit lasers is that it's a way to get damage through without having to deal with token piles. Soontir and Jake don't get thier dice or tokens, ditto for whisper

this is what makes Wave 7 silly exciting

and very criminal that the awesomeness of Oicuun (perhaps the only tolerable PWT because of his manly ability) has been ingored for so long :(

I still find APL meh (requires RNG); guaranteed damage is best damage

I still find APL meh (requires RNG); guaranteed damage is best damage

The beauty of APL is that not only are you possibly doing damage to a ship, you are (all but) guaranteed to not be taking damage from that ship.

Yes, APL is 50/50, but if you block at 100-percent, you will win versus the blocked ship. Guaranteed.

That said, it's definitely a meta-call upgrade, and that's what makes it so genius on Donut-Hole Dash, in a Boost-heavy meta.

Yes. APL is for the arcdodging ships I can't hit with my 48 point cannon and the high PS engine upgrade ships zooming towards the donut hole. A simple block can do a possible damage, make them actionless against Bwing fire, and put Dash in good position to get behind them next turn.

When are Spanish and Canadian Nationals? I can't seem to locate a list anywhere from FFG.

On the Spanish National, there is no official word from Edge (FFG publisher) yet. The last two Nationals were hosted by Rojo Cinco (doing a FANTASTIC job), the same guys who took care of Madrid regional, but for several reasons that last regional was the last tournament they would organize... so this time Edge are on their own.

I guess they are still messing with the details and whatever it must be solved if somebody is co-organizing it with them. I dream with somebody of Barcelona helping them so I can assist, but that won't happen :P

For reference, last year was on September 27th, so I guess it won't be much further than that.

Edited by Kharnete

I still find APL meh (requires RNG); guaranteed damage is best damage

The beauty of APL is that not only are you possibly doing damage to a ship, you are (all but) guaranteed to not be taking damage from that ship.

Yes, APL is 50/50, but if you block at 100-percent, you will win versus the blocked ship. Guaranteed.

That said, it's definitely a meta-call upgrade, and that's what makes it so genius on Donut-Hole Dash, in a Boost-heavy meta.

the upgrade you're looking for there is Intelligence Agent :P

(yeah I know, KK and all. Int agent doesn't get nearly the love it deserves, though, and it deserves a lot more than APL)

I wish I could stack anti pursuit lasers and ion projector

I still find APL meh (requires RNG); guaranteed damage is best damage

The beauty of APL is that not only are you possibly doing damage to a ship, you are (all but) guaranteed to not be taking damage from that ship.

Yes, APL is 50/50, but if you block at 100-percent, you will win versus the blocked ship. Guaranteed.

That said, it's definitely a meta-call upgrade, and that's what makes it so genius on Donut-Hole Dash, in a Boost-heavy meta.

Plus you are all forgetting an upgrade being released this week that can make it 100% damage. At least I think Palatine could make it into a hit. I'd have to check the wording (as Palpatine doesn't work on Prox mines your opponents hit).

only 10 points for guaranteed damage on block :P

forgive me if I find a blocked soontir easy enough to kill without that kind of investment

don't get me wrong, I'm glad blocking is finally being pointed out as the way to kill Soontir (who really isn't as terrifying as the forums make him out to be; he's no whisper) but you don't need APLs to turn him into a PS 9 Alpha squadron pilot

Edited by ficklegreendice