2015 Nationals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

PWT also means pancake with turret. I think. Regardless I had neither. Lone wolf HLC Dash is completely different than those ships. I have to keep my friends at range 3 and my enemies out of range 1. It is not a simple stomping machine.

Congratulations are definitely in order, everyone in the top 4 flew great to get there, I didn't play you, but there's no doubt in my mind that anything other than your skill got you there.

Edited by catachanninja

PWT also means pancake with turret. I think. Regardless I had neither. Lone wolf HLC Dash is completely different than those ships. I have to keep my friends at range 3 and my enemies out of range 1. It is not a simple stomping machine.

It's not technically a Primary Weapon Turret... That being said... Dash w/HLC is worse...

Geez the top 4 where all PWT, and they said Tie Phantoms needed nerfing ..sure there.

What's a PWT? I looked it up on urbandictionary, and the result I got seemed rather irrelevant.

"Primary Weapon Turret" In other words, Falcons, Decimators & Outriders

outrider is actually a SWT (2ndary weapon etc.)

yt-2400 is a PWT, but it sucks (2 dice) and so does the K-wing. Both need to do other things (cannon, bombs) in order to be good so being a PWT doesn't really matter for them.

so really, just the YT-1300 and VT-49 and soon the pogostick with its stupid stupid title

Edited by ficklegreendice

Pogostick? Is that the punishing scum one you are referring to?

Pogostick? Is that the punishing scum one you are referring to?

well, I know "jumpmaster" aint no proper name for a ship

for a pogostick, though...

When will there be videos up of the games? When ever Team Covenant decides it?

Well, Team Covenant has to watch and record their commentary, as well as add in the graphics. Probably going to be at least a week, since they still have a bunch of other Gencon stuff to post, and they are driving back.

I'm just happy that all the announcements made today will make Fat Turret lists very hard to win with for next year. I heard about the lists in the final game and was so bored I fell asleep. There are lots of things to take down Fat Turrets in the new waves.

Jeff and Phil's matches were anything but boring

To you. They were boring to me.

Went 5-2 at GenCon with Chewie and 3 Talas! #33 out of 200! Woot!

I'm just happy that all the announcements made today will make Fat Turret lists very hard to win with for next year. I heard about the lists in the final game and was so bored I fell asleep. There are lots of things to take down Fat Turrets in the new waves.

Jeff and Phil's matches were anything but boring

To you. They were boring to me.

Went 5-2 at GenCon with Chewie and 3 Talas! #33 out of 200! Woot!

That's pretty good! Well done.

Yea definitely not a fan of super dash rearing his ugly head again lately. He had sort of diminished for awhile, but he seems to be back in force again.

I've said it before, but he's a weird ship in that if you bring a counter to him, he is much easier to deal with than the other turreted ships. But if you don't, he's probably the hardest to deal with.

He is the closest thing to a Rebel Phantom (errr... now we'll actually have the RebelvPhantom, but you catch my drift). The thing is, that Nationals list is definitely not Super-Dash. No PTL, no engine.

I very much dig seeing the Blue and Gold fleet being in the top 8. That's unexpected!

I'm frightened by how little I'm seeing Imps and Scum. I wonder how different that would have been had the Raider dropped.

When are Spanish and Canadian Nationals? I can't seem to locate a list anywhere from FFG.

I don't know about Spain but Canada is Sept 5 and will probably have the lowest attendance of any National in the world this year, just a small tournament that happens to be a National. The organizers running it this time haven't just dropped the ball, they lost the ball in the woods and asked their dad to put a new one on his shopping list for the next time he goes to the sporting goods store if they are on sale.

Edited by R5Don4

I don't know about Spain but Canada is Sept 5 and will probably have the lowest attendance of any National in the world this year, just a small tournament that happens to be a National. The organizers running it this time haven't just dropped the ball, they lost the ball in the woods and asked their dad to put a new one on his shopping list for the next time he goes to the sporting goods store if they are on sale.

At least you have a national :-(

PWT also means pancake with turret. I think. Regardless I had neither. Lone wolf HLC Dash is completely different than those ships. I have to keep my friends at range 3 and my enemies out of range 1. It is not a simple stomping machine.

I agree. The HLC Outrider is much tougher to fly than primary turrets. I was flying a RAC with engine and Whisper. I like playing against Dash because I can usually get into his R1 band but Jeff flew this amazingly keep me outside his danger zone! I honestly don't think I have seen anyone fly Lonewolf better he was always range 3 from his Bs. Congratulations to everyone who played at Gencon! It was a tough field and I had no easy wins. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces up here at Worlds in November.

I don't know about Spain but Canada is Sept 5 and will probably have the lowest attendance of any National in the world this year, just a small tournament that happens to be a National. The organizers running it this time haven't just dropped the ball, they lost the ball in the woods and asked their dad to put a new one on his shopping list for the next time he goes to the sporting goods store if they are on sale.

I actually would have considered going to Canadian Nationals especially to use my bye, but NOVA Open is that same weekend.

Oh no, lots of people would like to attend it is just going to be such a disaster many players are writing it off. You can read all about it in my full report!

Where is Paul Heaver or Doug Kenny in this list? Did we get a whole new set of names?

Also surprised to not see RAC or Han in the final.

One of the things that happens to poplar builds is that people build to counter them.

Sometimes, everyone builds to counter them, or gets tired of them, and they just drop off the radar.

I will say that while not too surprised that a turret was what won I am surprised that the winning list was none of the standard Fat Turret Builds. Super Dash was here but it wasn't super Dash and Corran Horn like most instead you saw cards that you never see like 2 Blues and APL!??!?! When did that became a thing?!!?!

Counter builds only /really/ work for any length of time when you keep them as low-key as possible. Once you reveal a counter-build it gets countered shortly after.

Oh no, lots of people would like to attend it is just going to be such a disaster many players are writing it off. You can read all about it in my full report!

Can you provide a link to your report or is this a future consideration item?

Also, that is why for Ottawans they are holding the National Capital X-wing Open 1st edition. Vuud was at Gen Con and is providing Wave 7 as prize support (as well as the remains of his store kits).


Could somebody please explain the brilliancy of putting r2d2 crew on dash as if i was a 2year old? : )

Oh no, lots of people would like to attend it is just going to be such a disaster many players are writing it off. You can read all about it in my full report!

Can you provide a link to your report or is this a future consideration item?

Also, that is why for Ottawans they are holding the National Capital X-wing Open 1st edition. Vuud was at Gen Con and is providing Wave 7 as prize support (as well as the remains of his store kits).


Yes stay tuned, the report will be after the event. Not much to say at this point, I just want to confirm all the fears and preconceptions were spot on.